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Presentation on theme: "F RIENDS AND ADVOCATES OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION (FACE) Key Messages."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ATHOLIC EDUCATION – “ THE BRAND ”  Giving students a solid foundation for life – to achieve their full spiritual, academic, physical and emotional potential  Not a duplicate of public school system - Ontario curriculum, infused with the Gospel Values of Jesus Christ in a faith-based environment  Home + School + Parish working together to educate mind, body and spirit

3 K EY MESSAGES - PROACTIVE  “The system works” - High levels of academic achievement and social justice activities, especially with regard for the poor, incorporating Gospel Values based on the teaching of Jesus  “A proven success for nearly 170 years”  “An integral part of Ontario society” - Deep roots throughout province’s history and culture  “We are part of a public education system that is one of the best in the world” - One of essential pillars that make it a success

4 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Fairness Response:  Catholic education rights were established in fairness to Ontario Catholics, a religious minority (equal to denominational rights of the protestant minority in Quebec).  Supreme Court has upheld denominational Catholic education rights.  Since Confederation, Catholic education has maintained and enhanced its place in Ontario’s public education system.  Catholic education is well established and successful. There is no good reason to destroy it.

5 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Distinctiveness Response:  In addition to teaching the Ontario Curriculum, Catholic schools provide the foundation for understanding our faith tradition.  Catholic education integrates the teachings of Jesus Christ into all aspects of school life.  Catholic education has a distinct emphasis on social justice and service to the less fortunate.  The expectations of Catholic graduates are measured not only in knowledge and skills, but also in attitude, values and actions.

6 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Access Response:  Catholic elementary schools focus exclusively on Catholic children, to maintain the distinctly Catholic culture that is mandated – and protected – by law.  Non-Catholic students can attend Catholic high schools.  Some Catholic boards have policies permitting non- Catholic children to attend at the elementary level (by exception).

7 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Preferential Hiring Response:  Catholic schools are entitled – and in fact mandated – to maintain a distinctly Catholic culture. Catholic boards need Catholic teachers in order to succeed in their mission.  Every organization needs to be able to employ people who believe in the goals, objectives and culture of the organization.  Preferential hiring rights also apply to publicly-funded social welfare agencies and other organizations serving constituencies based on language, culture or religion.  These rights are specifically protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code.

8 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Other Provinces Response:  Education is a provincial responsibility.  Catholic schools are fully or partially funded in six other Canadian provinces.  Newfoundland/Labrador : Voters opted to replace a system that was all denominational.  Quebec : Changed to language-based model, reflecting their society.  Both situations were dramatically different from Ontario, and are not valid comparisons.

9 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: United Nations Response:  Viewpoint that Ontario’s system is “discriminatory” came from one U. N. sub-committee. It has never moved beyond that committee.  Ontario and Canada submitted responses defending the existing system.  The matter has not been pursued by the U. N. or any member government.

10 K EY MESSAGES - REACTIVE Issue: Financial Savings (by eliminating duplication) Response:  Bigger is not necessarily better or more efficient.  Funding is based on per-pupil calculations.  Economics of scale already being achieved (boards cooperating for transportation, energy, purchasing, etc.)  Amalgamation would cost more to sort out the complexities.  Would mean great upheaval for students and parents throughout the entire publicly-funded education system.


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