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Science Leadership Network Meeting SEPTEMBER 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Leadership Network Meeting SEPTEMBER 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Leadership Network Meeting SEPTEMBER 2015

2 INTRO AND AGENDA FOR THE DAY: Welcome Who is here???? Bringing up to speed/tuning the work Materials from the past put into action Evidence Statements Interactive lesson connection to PE Personalize the process

3 WELCOME Who are you and where are you from? What do you wish to get out of this year? What is the scope of this year? What do we wish to accomplish this year? Expectations

4 BRINGING UP TO SPEED/TUNING THE WORK What tools will be we using: Dissection Intent Framework Appendix from NGSS Grade Level PE

5 INTENT PROTOCOL Follow the intent protocol with the presenters using the dissection guide and materials listed above Gaining a common understanding of the PE’s

6 MATERIALS FROM THE PAST PUT INTO ACTION How does the use of the: Intent protocol Dissection guide Framework Appendix of NGSS Allow teachers to truly understand the true meaning of the PE’s and how does this shape instruction.

7 EVIDENCE STATEMENTS 101 What They Are How They are Structured

8 WHY EVIDENCE STATEMENTS? A PE and the accompanying foundation boxes have a lot of information (enough?), but they do not explicitly provide guidance about what it looks like for a student to use those three dimensions together in a purposeful way.

9 ES WERE WRITTEN TO HELP PROVIDE EDUCATORS WITH: 1.what skills and knowledge students must be able to demonstrate for ‘proficient’ performance on any given PE at the end of instruction 2.what student performance at the nexus of the three dimensions looks like

10 ES FOR ANY GIVEN PE DESCRIBE EXACTLY THE SAME EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS AS THE PE ITSELF, SIMPLY WITH MORE DETAIL … An analogy: Imagine a leaf under a microscope: when the magnification increases, more features become visible. Those features were always present, but required a different level of scrutiny to make them apparent. Similarly, the content (across all three dimensions) included in the evidence statements is the same content included in the PEs, just at a different level of magnification.

11 STRUCTURE OF THE EVIDENCE STATEMENTS All Evidence Statements are written through the lens of the Science and Engineering Practice (SEP) associated with a given PE The SEP is NOT most important, but it is the dimension that makes student work directly observable NGSS writers created a TEMPLATE for each SEP at each grade band and then used those templates to generate Evidence Statements for each PE





16 COMMON MISUNDERSTANDINGS The evidence statements describe what students should do in a lesson in the classroom. The evidence statements describe teacher practice, rather than student performance. The evidence statements describe student tasks, both in an instructional and assessment context. The evidence statements are specifically intended to inform formative assessment. The evidence statements add content or go beyond what is asked by the PE. The practice structure implies metacognitive demands, rather than practice-based expectations. Because the evidence statements are in a list/outline form, individual bullets can be taken out of context and used for instruction and assessment purposes The word ‘describe’ implies oral or written, detailed, grammatically correct responses.

17 RECAP… 1.The structure of the ES is through the lens of the SEP because that’s what is directly observable about student work 2.Templates were created for each SEP to provide a framework and ensure consistency 3.ES describe the skills and knowledge students must be able to demonstrate for ‘proficient’ performance on any given PE at the end of instruction 4.ES describe what student performance looks like at the nexus of the three dimensions 5.ES for any given PE describe exactly the same expectations for students as the PE itself, simply with more detail

18 INTERACTIVE LESSON As you participate in the lesson take the following notes: What connection is there to the LE you explored this morning? What suggestions/idea could you take to utilize in your classroom? What other information would you like to know, questions you may have, needs for your classroom? What was one thing you did not know prior to the interactive lesson that could enrich your classroom?

19 PERSONALIZE THE PROCESS Following the process from the morning utilizing the PE/LE your brought with you: Did you reach the intent of the PE Did the PE match the LE intent How did the intent you came up with match that of the evidence statements? What do you need to change/alter or revise from your Learning Experiences?

20 WRAP – UP / GOALS / EVALUATION Individual/ group goal setting for the upcoming year What is your role as facilitator in your District/school and how will you spread the information given to ensure building capacity? What goals will you let in regard to leading your District/School through the PLC process leading to successful implementation at all grade levels?


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