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Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Anastasija and Borko.

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Presentation on theme: "Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Anastasija and Borko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo by Anastasija and Borko

2 Project Description There are no places to go out Young people would like more: *parks *bars *cinemas *theaters *squares.

3 Project Description Curtain Raisers project is aimed to people who think they have an idea for 'Curtain Raiser project' Primary group target- City officials Secondary: Young people and teenagers

4 Project Description If the project is finished without any complications and places to go out are built,this city will be a better tourist attraction and people will have more fun

5 Action Plan: Performing Arts Activity: Separated promotions of all kinds of music Time: 3 hours Responsible: Culture Center Resources: Stage, instruments, promoters Outcome: big spectacle and education about the music

6 Action Plan: Visual Arts Activity: Exhibition of astrophotography and lecture for beginners in astronomy Time: 5 hours Responsible: Astronomers of Valjevo Resources: Place Outcome: Education of people

7 Action Plan: Sports Activity: More football competitions like New year competition Time: 7 days Responsible: Hall of sports manager, city officials Resources: Balls, jerseys Outcome: Entertainment for lots of people

8 Action Plan: Summer Camps Activity: Summer camp on Povlen Time: 4 days Responsible: Drustvo istrazivaca ''Vladimir Mandic-Manda'' Resources: Good weather, tents, camping gear Outcome: To find healthy herbs

9 Action Plan: Community service Activity: Help old people Time: Every day from 9am to 7pm Responsible: Teens who are willing to help Resources: Just time Outcome: Make their time interesting

10 Getting Ideas Here are some websites listing events and activities in our country and round the world. They might give you a few ideas: BelgradeBelgrade London Sidney LondonSidney BelgradeLondonSidney Agents4changeAgents4change DoSomething DoSomething Agents4changeDoSomething MySummerCamps

11 Links content/uploads/2011/06/ eg content/uploads/2011/06/ eg https://encrypted- S- RZDSjrQ7WETXhl0RfXydoybPbrMirz1dT6 C3sf-lJZ3BHYIqg https://encrypted- S- RZDSjrQ7WETXhl0RfXydoybPbrMirz1dT6 C3sf-lJZ3BHYIqg 0drustva%20istrazivaca.jpg 0drustva%20istrazivaca.jpg content/uploads/2012/10/IMG_0536.jpg content/uploads/2012/10/IMG_0536.jpg

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