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ILLEGAL PARITICPATION (Rule 9 – 6) and ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTIONS (Rule 3 – 7) Jason S. Capps Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association.

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Presentation on theme: "ILLEGAL PARITICPATION (Rule 9 – 6) and ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTIONS (Rule 3 – 7) Jason S. Capps Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILLEGAL PARITICPATION (Rule 9 – 6) and ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTIONS (Rule 3 – 7) Jason S. Capps Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association

2 “AFTER GOING OUT-OF-BOUNDS” If a player is blocked or pushed out-of-bounds, they may legally participate in the down as long as they immediately return to the field.

3 No player on Team A or Team K may go out-of- bounds (intentionally or unintentionally) during a down and return. Foul occurs when he returns; not when he steps out-of-bounds. If blocked out-of-bounds and returns immediately = NO FOUL. Restriction does not apply to Team B or R players who unintentionally step out-of-bounds. EXCEPTION TO THIS PRINCIPLE

4 After a change of possession (kick recovered by R, fumble recovered by B, interception, etc.) restrictions on Team A or K unintentionally going out-of-bounds end. No player can step out intentionally and return. These principles apply to both the sideline and endline.

5 PENALTY ENFORCEMENT “Spot of Foul” is the spot player re-enters the field. During running play, basic spot is “spot of the foul.” During loose-ball play, basic spot is the “previous spot.” Use the “all but one principle.”

6 NO FOUL B47 accidentally steps out-of-Bounds Returns and Makes the Tackle Run Pass RUNNING PLAY

7 PASSING PLAY A87 accidentally steps on Sideline ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION BY A87 Run Pass Returns in bounds and catches ball

8 15 yards from Previous Spot (loose ball play)

9 Even though “illegal participation”: –NOT Ineligible Down Field –NOT Offensive Pass Interference A Player eligible at the beginning of a down remains eligible throughout that down. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS

10 PASSING PLAY B35 accidentally steps on sideline NO FOUL Run Pass Returns in bounds and intercepts ball

11 Illegal Participation by A21 A21 Fumbles Run Pass A21 accidentally steps on sideline A21 recovers inbounds RUNNING PLAY

12 15 yards from Basic Spot (spot of fumble)

13 NO FOUL A21 Fumbles Run Pass B53 accidentally steps on Sideline B53 recovers inbounds RUNNING PLAY

14 PASSING PLAY NO FOUL Run Pass B24 Intercepts Ball During Return, B52 steps on sideline Then blocks A5 inbounds

15 PASSING PLAY NO FOUL Run Pass B24 intercepts ball During return, A5 steps on sideline then tackles B24 inbounds

16 FREE KICK PLAY ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By A88 While kick in flight, K88 accidentally touches sideline K88 is blocked By R52

17 15 yards from Previous Spot

18 FREE KICK PLAY ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By A88 During return, K88 intentionally runs out-of-bounds for several yards K88 contacts R52

19 15 yards from End of Run

20 FREE KICK PLAY ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By R63 R63 returns and blocks K57 During Return, R63 intentionally runs several steps on sideline

21 15 yards from End of Run

22 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY NO FOUL R7 returns and blocks K5 During return, R7 accidentally steps on sideline

23 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY NO FOUL K5 returns and is blocked by B7 During return, K5 accidentally steps on sideline

24 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By K5 K5 returns and is blocked by B7 K5 accidentally steps on sideline Kick is muffed and rolling

25 15 yards from Previous Spot

26 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY NO FOUL R7 returns and blocks K5 R7 accidentally steps on sideline Kick is muffed and rolling

27 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY NO FOUL K5 returns and is blocked by B7 K5 accidentally steps on sideline Kick is caught then fumbled

28 SCRIMMAGE KICK PLAY NO FOUL R7 returns and blocks K5 R7 accidentally steps on sideline Kick is caught then fumbled

29 “Substitute Enters During Live Ball” If a team member enters to become the 11 th player after the snap or free kick, on his side of the neutral zone, it is a foul.

30 Considered a “substitute” and not a “player.” If he does not participate, it is a live-ball “illegal substitution” foul (five yards). If he participates in any way (hindering opponent, drawing coverage, touching the ball), it is a live-ball “illegal participation” foul (fifteen yards). Rule also applies to a substitute on the sideline. CONSIDERATIONS

31 After snap, B37 enters and just stands there ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION By B37

32 5 yards from Basic Spot

33 PASSING PLAY After snap, A87 enters and draws coverage from B21 ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By A87

34 15 yards from Previous Spot

35 “SUBSTITUTE ENTERS ON WRONG SIDE OF NEUTRAL ZONE” If a team member enters to become the 11 th player, he must be on his side of the neutral zone prior to the snap or free kick. If the snap or free kick occurs while he is on the wrong side, it is a foul.

36 Considered a “substitute” and not a “player.” If he does not participate, it is a live-ball, “illegal substitution” foul (five yards). If he participates in any way (hindering opponent, drawing coverage, touching the ball), it is a live-ball, “illegal participation” foul (fifteen yards). Rule also applies to a substitute on the sideline. CONSIDERATIONS

37 B25 enters field and snap occurs. ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTION By B25 Realizes error and stands there

38 5 yards from Previous Spot

39 PASSING PLAY B25 enters field and snap occurs ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By B25 B25 pursues passer.

40 15 yards from Previous Spot

41 RUNNING PLAY B25 enters field and snap occurs ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By B25 B25 pursues ball carrier

42 15 yards from Previous Spot

43 PASSING PLAY B25 enters field and snap occurs. ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION By B25 B25 goes to his side and then participates

44 15 yards from Previous Spot

45 “TWELVE MEN ON FIELD: LIVE BALL OR DEAD BALL FOUL?” A replaced player must “immediately” leave the field. –Must leave on his team’s sideline. Interpretation = 3 to 5 seconds. If official’s count reveals 12 men on field, “sure” count is accurate, and no one is leaving—


47 AFTER SNAP Throw flag and allow play to continue LIVE-BALL “ILLEGAL PARTICIPATION” FOUL (15 YARDS)

48 PLAY #1 Team A breaks huddle and comes to the line. As QB barks signals, the Referee realizes there are 12 on field. Blow whistle and throw flag for a dead-ball, illegal substitution, foul.

49 5 yards from Previous Spot

50 PLAY #2 Team A breaks huddle and comes to the line. As QB barks signals, the Referee counts 11 players on the field. Then A12 enters the field and no player leaves. Allow 3 seconds, if no player departs, throw flag and blow whistle for a dead- ball foul. If snap occurs before 3 seconds elapses, throw flag, let play continue and enforce a live-ball, illegal participation foul.

51 5 yards from Previous Spot 15 yards from Previous Spot OR

52 PLAY #3 Team A breaks huddle and comes to the line. As QB barks signals, the Referee thinks there are 12 players on the field. Nobody is trying to leave. As Referee recounts, the ball is snapped and Referee then discovers 12 on the field. Throw flag, let play continue and enforce a live-ball, illegal participation foul.

53 15 yards from Previous Spot

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