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IEEE CIM IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Editor-in-Chief: Hisao Ishibuchi (2014-2015) June 18, 2014 Main Topic of Each Issue Feb 2014:Natural.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE CIM IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Editor-in-Chief: Hisao Ishibuchi (2014-2015) June 18, 2014 Main Topic of Each Issue Feb 2014:Natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE CIM IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Editor-in-Chief: Hisao Ishibuchi (2014-2015) June 18, 2014 Main Topic of Each Issue Feb 2014:Natural Language Processing May 2014:Community-Centric Systems Aug 2014:Big Data Nov 2014:Production and Logistics Systems Feb 2015:Cloud Computing May 2015:New Trends of Learning in CI Aug 2015:TBD

2 Special Issue Submissions in 2014: 105 Feb 2014: Natural Language Processing Number of Special Issue Submissions: 43 (40: Rejected) 2: Published in Feb 2014 1: Published in May 2014 (due to its late submission) May 2014: Community-Centric Systems Number of Special Issue Submissions: 17 (14: Rejected) 3: Published in May 2014 Aug 2014: Big Data Number of Special Issue Submissions: 12 (9: Rejected) 2: To be published in Aug 2014 (in press) 1: Accepted (I am waiting for its final version) Nov 2014: Production and Logistics Systems Number of Special Issue Submissions: 33 (30: Rejected) 2: Accepted. 1: Under Review (Conditionally Accepted).

3 Special Issue Paper Submissions Feb 2014 - May 2016 Four IEEE CIM Issues in 2014 Total Number of Special Issue Paper Submissions: 105 Total Number of Accepted Papers: 12 Average Acceptance Rate: 11.4% (12/105) Feb 2015: Cloud Computing Number of Submissions: 11 May 2015: New Trends of Learning Submission Deadline: August 15, 2014 Number of Submissions: 11 (as of July 3, 2014)

4 General Paper Submissions September 2013 - December 2013: Submissions: 25 Accepted: 3 (12%) January 2014 - June 2014 Submissions: 22 Accepted: 1 Under Review: 7 General Paper Submissions Sep 2013 - June 2014

5 Published Papers February 2014 (published on January 16, 2014) Feature (Special Issue Papers): 2 papers Application Notes: 2 papers May 2014 (published on April 14, 2014) Features (Special Issue Papers): 3 papers Review Article: 1 * paper Application Notes: 1 paper August 2014 (will be published on July 16, 2014) Features (Special Issue Papers): 3 ** papers Research Frontier: 1 paper Application Notes: 1 paper * This review article was originally submitted to the Feb 2014 special issue. **One of the three features was originally submitted as a general paper.

6 Current Situations (June 18) Accepted Papers to be Published: 4 Special Issue Papers: 2 (November 2014 Issue) General Papers: 2 Papers in the 3rd Round of Review: 0 Special Issue Papers: 0 General Papers: 0 Papers in the 2nd Round of Review: 6 Special Issue Papers: 1 (November 2014 Issue) General Papers: 5 Papers in the 1st Round of Review: 13 Special Issue Papers: 11 (February 2015 Issue) General Papers: 2

7 Impact Factor 2013: ?.??? (2012: 4.629) A sharp drop is expected from the 2012 impact factor. The next four pages are added as related materials to the sharp drop.

8 Five Year Impact Factor 2013: ?.??? (2012: 3.808)

9 Popular Articles IEEE Xplore (June 18, 2014)

10 Popular Articles Web of Sciences (June 18, 2014) All CIM Papers (2006-2014) TitleYear Total Citations Ave. per Year 1. Ant colony Optimization - Artificial Ants as a Computational Intelligence Technique 200635038.89 2. Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: A Historical View of the Field 200622625.11 3. Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems: An overview200716320.38 4. Advances in Artificial Immune Systems200615517.22 5. Type-2 FLCs: A New Generation of Fuzzy controllers 200713216.50 6. Adaptive Dynamic Programming: An Introduction200910918.17 7. Memetic Computation - Past, Present & Future20109919.80 8. Type-2 Fuzzy Logic: A Historical View2007789.75

11 Popular Articles Web of Sciences (June 18, 2014) Recent CIM Papers (2010-2014) TitleYear Total Citations Ave. per Year 1. Memetic Computation - Past, Present & Future 20109919.80 2. Memetic Compact Differential Evolution for Cartesian Robot Control 20105410.80 3. What Computing with Words Means to Me 2010306.00 4. Evolutionary Computation Meets Machine Learning: A Survey 2011276.75 5. Deep Machine Learning - A New Frontier in Artificial Intelligence Research 2010275.40 6. Medical Image Registration Using Evolutionary Computation: An Experimental Survey 2011225.50 7. Dynamic, Stochastic, Computational and Scalable Technologies for Smart Grids 2011225.50 8. Exploring e-Learning Knowledge Through Ontological Memetic Agents 2010204.00

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