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Assistive Technology. AT Definition Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized,

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology. AT Definition Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology

2 AT Definition Any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities. (IDEA, 2004)

3 Why Consider AT? It is the law IDEA, 2004. –Students should be provided with appropriate assistive technology devices and services as well as accommodations and modifications to assist them in making progress in their educational programs

4 Considering AT Mandatory to be considered on every IEP. Guiding Principles –IEP teams should use a collaborative decision- making model for considering AT. –AT is goal/task driven. Decisions for considerations should be based on student goals and objectives, access to curricular activities, and progress in the general ed. curriculum. –IEP teams should have the knowledge and skills necessary to consider AT.

5 Considering AT 5 Guiding Questions for the Consideration Process (This will help you complete the Consideration Checklist) –1. What are the goals, objectives, and required tasks within relevant instructional and access areas? –2. Can the student accomplish the goals and objectives and/or complete the task with standard classroom tools in the general education setting?

6 Considering AT –3. Are the student’s needs being addressed through accommodations and modifications? –4. Is the student using assistive technology to accomplish goals and objectives or to complete educationally relevant tasks? –5. Are additional AT devices and/or accommodations and modifications required to allow students to accomplish goals and objectives or complete educationally relevant tasks?

7 Consideration Checklist and Resource Guide –Available at SPED web site –The Resource Guide should be reviewed as part of the consideration process at every IEP meeting. –The new Consideration Checklist has to be completed at every IEP meeting to ensure that AT has been considered specifically for each student. Please attach to current IEP


9 New Consideration Checklist

10 Sample Checklist

11 Documentation in the IEP AT devices and services that are determined educationally necessary by the student’s IEP team should be clearly documented in the IEP. With the new IEP, some things have changed in how to document: –The consideration Checklist will be the way you document that AT has been considered necessary or not necessary. Think of the Checklist as part of the IEP

12 Documentation in the IEP If using AT, document it in… –I. Present Level of Educational Performance (if currently using) –II. Considerations of Special Factors with written justification of why using AT –IV. Goals and Objectives –VI. Student Supports –VIII. Options Considered (every IEP, every time)

13 Documentation If IEP team determines that AT is not required, document rationale in… –II. Considerations for Special Factors with written justification why AT is rejected –VIII. Options considered (every IEP, every time)

14 Auditory Books on Cd ELA Required Novels (Elementary Schools) –The Cay Sarah, Plain and Tall –Hatchet Island of the Blue Dolphin ELA Required Novels (Middle Schools) –Bridge to Terabithia Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry –The Giver House of Dies Drear –House on Mango Street Johnny Tremain –Diary of Anne Frank ELA Required/Recommended Novels (High Schools) –To Kill a Mockingbird Tale of Two Cities Animal Farm –The Scarlett Letter The Great Gatsby The Adventures of Huck Finn –Red Badge of Courage A Raison in the Sun* Frankenstein –Dracula Things Fall Apart Jane Eyre* –Return of the Native* –CD’s and players are available to all sped teachers from your media specialist beginning December 2007 (one set per school…special education only).

15 Premier Software The Premier Assistive Technology Software Accessibility Suite is now available to all of our Richmond County special education students at home. – The software can be downloaded by the parent onto their home computer free of charge. –Parents of RCBoE special education students and their child’s teachers may go to the Premier Assistive Technology website at Download the “Literacy Productivity Pack” software. The user name for our county is rcboe and the password is access.

16 On-Line CAT Catalog of Assistive Technology On-Line inventory of Assistive Technology currently on hand available for short term checkout: –Equipment Talking calculators, portable word processors, colored overlays, aug. com devices, reading windows, timers, etc…. –Software Reading, science, history, research, mapping, vocabulary –Coming to you soon!!!!!!!

17 AT Team 2007-2008 –Larry McAlevy –Diane Wiedmeier (OT) –Ashley Goodin (ID) –Steven Corlett (VI) –Suzi Gilbreath (SLP) –Mary Ann Waller (ID) –Shawanna Williams (SLP) –Terry Irons (SLD) –Connie Blanchard (SLP) –Dr. Marie Klofenstine –Mary Hancock (DHH) –Keena Reeves (SDD) –Anita Barnes (ID) For more information contact any AT Team member or :

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