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Power Googling Last Updated: 2007. 2 What We’ll Cover Review Expanding and Narrowing Your Search (Boolean operators) Word Variations and Synonyms Searching.

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Presentation on theme: "Power Googling Last Updated: 2007. 2 What We’ll Cover Review Expanding and Narrowing Your Search (Boolean operators) Word Variations and Synonyms Searching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power Googling Last Updated: 2007

2 2 What We’ll Cover Review Expanding and Narrowing Your Search (Boolean operators) Word Variations and Synonyms Searching in Web Sites and Titles Special Google Searches

3 3 Review: Keyword Searching Enter your search terms (keywords) into the search box Enter your search terms (keywords) into the search box Avoid using words such as the, I, a, are, be, from, when, where These words – stop words - will be ignored by the search engine.

4 4 Review: Keyword Searches When searching for 1+ keywords, Google automatically searches for all keywords entered into the search box. chicken soup is the same as chicken AND soup

5 5 Review: Interpreting Your Google Search Results A list of websites that have paid to be included with the results of your selected keywords Each result has 3 details 1.Title of website 2.Text sample 3.Web address Each result has 3 details 1.Title of website 2.Text sample 3.Web address

6 6 Review: Interpreting Your Google Search Results Google divides the results into manageable sets of pages for viewing Simple keywords can return many search results Google also suggests more refined results using more keywords that are related to similar subjects Google also suggests more refined results using more keywords that are related to similar subjects

7 7 Review: Finding Better Results Reducing the Number of Results 1.Use more descriptive keywords Example: chicken soupvsspicy chicken soup recipe

8 8 Review: Finding Better Results Reducing the Number of Results 2.Use phrase searching. Example: “spicy chicken soup” recipe

9 9 Reducing the Number of Results 3.Using a “-” in front of a keyword you can remove all results with that search term. Example: halifax genealogy -virginia Review: Finding Better Results

10 10 Searcher Beware! 1.There is no space between the “-” (minus sign) and the keyword 2.Using the “-” (minus sign) can reduce a lot of irrelevant pages from your search results, but it can also eliminate relevant results Review: Finding Better Results

11 11 Finding Better Results: OR Increasing the Number of Results 1.Using OR broadens your search and can increase the number of search results you get. Example: car OR automobile

12 12 Finding Better Results : OR Increasing the Number of Results car OR vehicle OR automobile inspections retrieves web pages containing: carANDinspections vehicleAND inspections automobile ANDinspections

13 13 Searcher Beware! If you write the OR operator as or, Google will treat it like any other search term Finding Better Results: OR

14 14 Try This 1.Search for information on universities in Nova Scotia 2.Search for information on author Alistair MacLeod (Hint: you’re not sure about the spelling of the last name) Answer: university OR college OR postsecondary “nova scotia” Answer: macleod OR mcleod alistair

15 15 Finding Better Results: Synonyms Increasing the Number of Results 2.Using the ~ (tilde) in front of a keyword tells Google to look for that keyword plus its synonyms Example: ~car

16 16 Finding Better Results: Synonyms

17 17 Try This 1.You need a buying guide for computers (Hint: what are some other terms for “computer”?) Answer: ~computer “buying guide”

18 18 Site Searching: Searching Specific Websites site: Looks for your search terms in a specific web site or domain Domains include:.govgovernment Canada.edueducational United Kingdom.comcommercial businesses.orgnot-for-profit organizations.milmilitary Example: site:ca “income tax” NOTE: there is no space between site: and the domain

19 19 Site Searching: Searching Specific Websites

20 20 Try this Search for information on the Halifax Explosion. You only want to see websites that are from Nova Scotia. HINT: the domain for Nova Scotia is Answer: “halifax explosion”

21 21 Site Searching: Searching Page Titles intitle: Searches for your search terms in the titles of web pages Example: personal computer intitle:buying guide Note: there is no space between intitle: and the search term(s)

22 22 Site Searching: Searching Page Titles

23 23 Try this 1.Search for information on hybrid cars. You only want to see pages with gas mileage in the title. 2.Search for information on soup recipes. You only want to see pages with vegetarian in the title. Answer: “hybrid cars” intitle:“gas mileage” Answer: “soup recipes” intitle:vegetarian

24 24 Other Google Searches Google has a variety of features and special searches that can help you find specific types of information Images Calculator Google Glossary and more …

25 25 Other Google Searches: Google Images You can search for images using the basic Google search, but Google Images makes it much easier To find images: 1.Click on the “Images” link 2.Enter your search terms halifax “nova scotia” You can use the same search techniques ( OR, -, ~, phrase searching, etc.) with the Google Images search

26 26 Other Google Searches: Google Images

27 27 Other Google Searches: Google Images Try This: Try finding pictures of the following: 1.mayor peter kelly – limit to medium pictures 2.“nova scotia duck tolling retriever” – limit to large pictures 3.“nova scotia” flag – limit to small pictures

28 28 Review of basic search techniques Refining your search –Reducing the number of results –Increasing the number of results Google searches and shortcuts Recap

29 29 For More Information Google Guide: making searching even easier Google Help Center: Google Search Guides Be sure to check the Library Guide for upcoming computer programs and registration information

30 30 Questions?

31 Additional Material

32 32 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator Google’s calculator can be a very useful shortcut Use it to: Solve mathematic equations Carry out conversions

33 33 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator To calculate a mathematical equation, simply enter the equation as it’s written 2*5+7 No = (equals sign) is needed

34 34 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator Google reformats the equation adding spaces and brackets

35 35 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator To convert a value from one set of units to another (e.g., pounds  kilograms): 1.Enter the amount you want to convert (with units), then 2.Enter the units you want to convert it to 1 lb to grams

36 36 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator 1 lb to grams Notice that in addition to the conversion, Google lists pages that match the search terms we included in the search box

37 37 Other Google Searches: Google Calculator Try This: 1.Calculate the number of seconds in a day: 24*60*60 2.Convert 2 miles (mi) to kilometres (km) 3.Convert 3 pounds (lb) to kilograms (kg) Answer: 2 mi to km Answer: 3 lb to kg

38 38 Other Google Searches: Google Glossary Google Glossary is another shortcut Can be a good tool to use when you are looking for a definition of a word To view a list of definitions: 1.Enter “define:” 2.Enter the word that you need the definition for define: “search engine”

39 39 Other Google Searches: Google Glossary define “search engine”define: “search engine”

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