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Kindergarten Back to School Night Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Garcia, Ms. Erhart, Ms. Cavett.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Back to School Night Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Garcia, Ms. Erhart, Ms. Cavett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Back to School Night Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Garcia, Ms. Erhart, Ms. Cavett

2 Growth Mindset * Mindset is a simple idea that makes all the difference * We promote a growth mindset by: - Emphasizing dedication and hard work - Modeling a love of learning - Encouraging parents to support us “I can’t do it….yet!”

3  Balanced Literacy  Guided Reading  Shared Reading  Independent Reading  Sight Word Practice  Phonics and sight word Spelling program  Students need to be reading 10-15 minutes Monday- Thursday  Daily 5 Reading

4  Read to Self  Read to Someone  Listen to Reading  Word Work  Work on Writing Daily 5

5 * Teacher models writing process * Students write personal narratives of their choice * Teacher publishes student writing * Students share writing with their classmates Writing

6 * CGI (word problems – students find their own strategy to solve problem) * Practice counting to 100 and skip counting by 10’s * Small group math activities and games (including SMART board games) Math

7 Math Scales

8 Integrated throughout our curriculum  Study trips reinforce these concepts while exposing kids to real-life experiences  Hands-on science activities  STEM Fair: November 4th Social Studies/Science

9  Red shirt and khaki pants  Bring your lunch  Parents must drive themselves (may not ride the bus) – siblings are discouraged from attending  Will inform parents about upcoming trips and costs in newsletter  Parents must have turned in a background check to chaperone Study Trips

10 Student Birthdays * Let your child’s teacher know if you are planning on bringing treats (check with teacher about class allergies) * Drop the treats off in the morning or bring them to school at 3:00 (sign in at front office) * Bring invitations for entire class

11  Reading: 10-15 minutes Monday-Thursday  Math: practice counting to 100 and skip counting by 10’s  Spelling: learn two spelling words a week - spell/read on Friday  Check red folders daily and initial behavior calendar (Please look for special assignments and notes) Homework

12  Mutual Respect  Attentive Listening  Right to Pass  No Put Downs  “I-Messages”  Anti-bullying curriculum Four Agreements

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