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The Variation of Observed Ice Cloud Microphysics and Possible Links to the Environment Breakout:

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Presentation on theme: "The Variation of Observed Ice Cloud Microphysics and Possible Links to the Environment Breakout:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Variation of Observed Ice Cloud Microphysics and Possible Links to the Environment Breakout:

2 How do ice properties vary? With height/temperature? With cloud type? With location (land vs Ocean; Latitude) With humidity? With dynamics (ω, shear, etc.)? With distance to cloud top/bottom? With aerosol load?

3 Can we relate any variation in properties with processes? Correlation -> Causation Consistency with other campaigns? Global ‘validation’ using satellite observations LES/CRM/SCM modeling tests Significant for consideration in GCMs?

4 SEAC4RS data sources Remote sensing – ER-2: CPL, RSP, eMAS, AirMSPI, SSFR – DC-8: SSFR, APR-2, DIAL, RPI – Satellite: GOES, MODIS, CLOUDSAT/CALIPSO In situ cloud microphysics – DC8 & Learjet: SPEC package Meteorology & Chemistry – DC-8 and ER-2: Various packages – Radiosondes – Reanalysis (Randles/Da Silva. Subsets at DC-8 and ER-2 tracks available) – Back-trajectories – WRF-Chem Aerosol – DC8 & Learjet (& ER-2): Various in situ packages + 4STAR + DIAL – ER-2 remote sensing: AirMSPI, RSP, CPL – AERONET – Reanalysis (Randles/Da Silva. Subsets at DC-8 and ER-2 tracks available)

5 Variation of glaciation level RSP CPL Homogeneous freezing level Melting level LNB CPT CPL liquid: depolarization ratio <0.15 RSP liquid: Liquid index >0.3 (van Diedenhoven et al., JAS 2012) RH: average RH wrt liquid between 900-500 hPa

6 Ice properties vs cloud top height Using 2.25 μ m channel -20 o C -37 o C -52 o C -58 o C -75 o C -20 o C -37 o C -52 o C -58 o C -75 o C Learjet DC-8

7 Variation: Land vs Ocean Land Ocean

8 Variation: RH wrt ice (500-100 hPa mean) RH i > 100% RH i < 100%

9 MODIS+POLDER retrievals at TWP From van Diedenhoven et al., JGR, 2014 16 Jan.-20 Feb. 2006 COT>5

10 In situ measured aspect ratios from CPI Um, McFarquhar et al., ACP, 2015 TWP-ICE SPARTICUS ISDAC


12 Lawson et al. 2010


14 Difference between SWIR band retrievals Lidar Penetration depth: H( τ =0.1)-H( τ =3) Using 2.25 μ m channel Using 1.59 μ m channel 2.25 μm channel sees (optically) deeper into cloud Difference in size from two channels increases with ‘fluffiness’ of top COT>5


16 Restricted to COT>5 CTH ~ 11 km Distorted compact crystals R eff ~ 30-40 μ m g ~ 0.75 Extended tops CTH ~ 8-10 km plate-like crystals, some oriented R eff ~ 20-40 μ m g ~ 0.76-0.8 Extended tops CTH ~ 12 km Distorted plate- like and compact crystals R eff ~ 15-20 μ m g ~ 0.75-0.79 Compact tops PREMIMINARY

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