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200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 Legal RightsMore RightsLaws Interest Groups Constitution.

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2 200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 Legal RightsMore RightsLaws Interest Groups Constitution

3 -This is the right of Americans to be released if they are not formally charged with a crime after being detained by police? Row 1---100 Question

4 -habeas corpus Row 1---100 Answer

5 -This is the type of law that would punish a person without a trial----these types of laws are illegal according to the constitution? Row 1---200 Question

6 -bills of attainder Row 1---200 Answer

7 -Name the types of law that might try to punish someone for an act in past that is now considered illegal? Row 1---300 Question

8 -ex post facto laws Row 1---300 Answer

9 -Which Amendment guarantees due process and equal protection? Row 1---400 Question

10 -14th Row 1---400 Answer

11 -What is the only crime to be defined in the Constitution? Row 1---500 Question

12 -treason Row 1---500 Answer

13 -Finish this phrase which illustrates the basic idea of our legal system. “Innocent until ………”? Row 2---100 Question

14 -proven guilty Row 2---100 Answer

15 -Why is there a protection against self-incrimination? Row 2---200 Question

16 -no forced confessions Row 2---200 Answer

17 Row 2---300 Question -Which Amendment gives you the right to a speedy, public, jury trial, and the help of a lawyer?

18 -6th Row 2---300 Answer

19 Row 2---400 Question -Which Amendment protects you from double jeopardy?

20 -5th Row 2---400 Answer

21 -Which Amendment protects us from cruel or unusual punishments? Row 2---500 Question

22 -8th Row 2---500 Answer

23 -Name one characteristic of a good law? Row 3---100 Question

24 -reasonable, fair, understandable, enforceable Row 3---100 Answer

25 -These are types of laws that are based on agreements and conflicts between individuals? Row 3---200 Question

26 -civil law Row 3---200 Answer

27 -This is the type of law that involves with specific violations of legal code governing behavior? Row 3---300 Question

28 -criminal law Row 3---300 Answer

29 -These are minor violations of legal code? Row 3---400 Question

30 -misdemeanors Row 3---400 Answer

31 -These are major violations of legal code? Row 3---500 Question

32 -felonies Row 3---500 Answer

33 -This is the introduction to the Constitution that lists the purposes of government in the United States. Row 4---100 Question

34 -Preamble Row 4---100 Answer

35 -Article One describes which branch of the government? Row 4---200 Question

36 -Legislative Row 4---200 Answer

37 -Article Two describes which branch of the government? Row 4---300 Question

38 -Executive Row 4---300 Answer

39 -Article Three describes which branch of government? Row 4---400 Question

40 -Judicial Row 4---400 Answer

41 -Name the statement of Article VI that states the national government is the highest form of government in the nation and that the Constitution is above all forms of government. Row 4---500 Question

42 -Supremacy Clause Row 4---500 Answer

43 -This is a term for television, radio, newspapers, and magazines that influence opinion. Row 5---100 Question

44 -mass media Row 5---100 Answer

45 -Term for a group of people with similar beliefs about an issue. Row 5---200 Question

46 -interest groups Row 5---200 Answer

47 -Term that refers to a person is has already formed an opinion or listens only to one side. Row 5---300 Question

48 -biased Row 5---300 Answer

49 -This term refers to a person who has not made a decision and is willing to listen to all sides of an issue. Row 5---400 Question

50 -impartial Row 5---400 Answer

51 -This is the act of trying to influence legislators to support a certain issue. Row 5---500 Question

52 -lobbying Row 5---500 Answer

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