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 The act or process of changing position or place Ex: moving vehicles, swinging a bat.

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2  The act or process of changing position or place Ex: moving vehicles, swinging a bat

3  The distance traveled per unit time  s = d t d st

4  The total distance traveled divided by the total time of travel  Ex: 2 m/s; 55 mph; 22 km/h Distance Time d st

5  Includes the speed of an object AND its direction EX: 1. race car traveling at 55 mph due north; 2. boat traveling southeast at 22 km/h How do you change an object’s velocity?

6  The change in velocity/speed of an object.  It either increases or decreases as an object changes its velocity/speed  A = final velocity – starting velocity time

7  How far an object has moved  d = s x t EX: meters, feet, inches, centimeters, kilometers, etc

8  The distance and direction of an objects change in position from the starting point to the final point

9  When an object in motion neither speeds up nor slows down Distance Time

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