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E VIDENCE E VALUATION FROM THE O LYMPIC V ILLAGE C RIME S CENE CSI Agents: Jackson Sevy, Alex Smolyar, Sarah Sorensen and Tessa Stanton.

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Presentation on theme: "E VIDENCE E VALUATION FROM THE O LYMPIC V ILLAGE C RIME S CENE CSI Agents: Jackson Sevy, Alex Smolyar, Sarah Sorensen and Tessa Stanton."— Presentation transcript:

1 E VIDENCE E VALUATION FROM THE O LYMPIC V ILLAGE C RIME S CENE CSI Agents: Jackson Sevy, Alex Smolyar, Sarah Sorensen and Tessa Stanton

2 T HE P ROBLEM Problem: Identify the mystery substances found at the crime scene. Identifications: Metal A was identified as steel. Metal B was identified as aluminum. The liquid was identified as rubbing alcohol. The powder was identified as baking powder.

3 G ENERAL I NFORMATION Property: a property is a characteristic such as length (physical) or flammability (chemical.) Matter: anything that takes up space and has mass. Physical Property: a characteristic of matter such as color or odor. Chemical Property: a characteristic of matter which describes a substance’s ability to participate in chemical reactions. Chemical Reaction: a change that happens when one or more substances change into new substances with different properties.

4 M ETAL E VALUATION Metal A Mass: 2.6 g Density:7.85g/cm³ Dark in color Magnetic Identity: Steel Metal B Mass: 1.8 g Density: 2.7g/cm³ Metallic looking Not magnetic Identity: Aluminum Metal Samples

5 L IQUID E VALUATION Strong odor Transparent Flammable Identity: Isopropyl Alcohol Liquid Sample

6 P OWDER E VALUATION WaterVinegarIodine Baking Powder No reaction Bubbling/Fizzi ng Turned black Baking Soda Slightly changed color Bubbling/Fizzi ng Hardened No reaction Cornstarch No reaction Turned black Baby Powder Solidified Soft outer shell Stayed in one bubble Solidified Sticky Soft outer shell Stayed in one bubble No reaction MYSTERY POWDER No reaction Bubbling/Fizzi ng Turned black Identity: Baking Powder

7 E VIDENCE S UMMARY Metal A: Steel Metal B: Aluminum Liquid: Isopropyl Alcohol Powder: Baking Powder

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