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Presentation on theme: "THE HISTORY OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY in the US."— Presentation transcript:



3 BEFORE COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY WAS CREATED : people relied on news papers as their major source of information. The Guttenberg printing press was invented in 1455.

4 Morse Code was invented in 1844. It was used when the Titanic sank

5 Moving pictures in 1877 Ed Muybridge used photographs to experiment with “moving pictures”. He would use a device that would spin the images and they would blend together similar to frames being projected onto the screen at the movie theater.

6 Bell invents the telephone in 1889

7 Marconi invents radio in 1895:

8 1923 television is invented. Philo T Farnsworth: A farmer, who thought of the idea of broadcasting a video signal while farming in the fields when he was only 14 years old!

9 Philo T farnsworth, the birth of television

10 Why is he missing from our history books? He was a naïve young man and was so excited about his invention that he shared his ideas with executives from RCA,(already a corporate giant in the radio world). Unfortunately, Philo T. Farnsworth did not patent his original idea for his television.RCA actually stole his ideas for this technology and passed it off as their own invention. In some history books, RCA is credited with inventing television.Eventually, after years of litigation in the courts, Philo T. Farnsworth won the lawsuit and received credit for the patent but by then most people had already bought their television from RCA and Philo had very little money to produce his own brand of television.

11 1934, Philo T. Farnsworth and the first television prototype

12 1938 War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast The Halloween radio play 75 years ago about an invasion by Martian monsters. Millions who heard it believed it, calling police stations in terror, fleeing their homes, gathering with families to wait for 'the end of the world'. Orson Welles' brilliant production became known as "The Panic Broadcast“.

13 The set up: Fake reality-inducing news bulletins set up an on-the-scene report by Carl Phillips in rural New Jersey, describing a strange machine that had crashed into some farmland (The possibility of life on Mars had frequently been in the news back in those days.Then, with convincing sound effects and great drama, Phillips reported; "(yelling chaotic crowd noise)..." Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed... Wait a minute! Someone's crawling out of the hollow top. Someone or... something. I can see peering out of that black hole two luminous disks.. are they eyes? It might be a face. It might be... (SHOUT OF AWE FROM THE CROWD)

14 PBS short report

15 Orson Welles

16 First commercial computer 1951 UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer.This was the first computer to handle both numerical and alphabetic information with equal ease. The UNIVAC was a vacuum tube computer, and its input was through magnetic tape; storage was magnetic tapes or a magnetic drum.

17 First video game for home use : 1972 Pong

18 First Apple computer: 1976 Apple II

19 1979 Pac Man video game is created

20 1973, first cell phone was invented and in 1983, cell phone network was created in USA In 1973, Martin Cooper and his company, Motorola, changed the world. It was the size of a brick and wasn't commercially sold for another decade. The concept of cellular technology had already been created by Motorola's rival, AT&T, whose Bell Labs introduced a system allowing calls to be moved from one cell to another while remaining on the same channel. But AT&T was focusing this technology on the car phone. Cooper wanted people to have freedom to talk on the phone away from their cars. So in reaction, he and Motorola embarked on a project to create a more portable device.

21 1991 the first world wide web begins

22 1999 Google social media: 2004 facebook and in 2006 twitter


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