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Giulio Cescato, City Planner May 8, 2013 Presentation to the Provincial Government Downtown East Planning Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Giulio Cescato, City Planner May 8, 2013 Presentation to the Provincial Government Downtown East Planning Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giulio Cescato, City Planner May 8, 2013 Presentation to the Provincial Government Downtown East Planning Study

2 The Study Area Dundas Street East and Jarvis Street

3 The Study Area Jarvis Street

4 The Study Area George Street

5 The Study Area Pembroke Street

6 The Study Area Sherbourne Street

7 Official Plan


9 Downtown and Central Waterfront Downtown will: continue to evolve as premier employment area provide a range of housing. City will explore opportunities to: maintain and improve the public realm; promote an environment of creativity and innovation; support and enhance the specialty retail and entertainment districts; support business infrastructure; and create business partnerships.

10 Downtown and Central Waterfront (Cont.) Downtown will be improved by: Developing tools to maintain/upgrade public amenities/infrastructure Enhance parks/open spaces Strengthen social services Improve pedestrian realm Expanding PATH system Providing full range of housing options encouraged through intensification/infill Preserving heritage resources Creating design guidelines Prioritizing Transit Creating more opportunities for transit

11 Mixed-Use Areas Mixed-use Areas are intended to: Provide a range of commercial, residential/institutional uses Provide in single-use and mixed-use buildings. Development will: provide new jobs and homes on underutilized lands Locate/mass new buildings to provide transition setback and/or step down towards lower scale Neighbourhoods. limit shadow impacts on Neighbourhoods

12 Mixed-Use Areas(Cont.) Development will also: be located and massed to frame edges of streets and parks maintain sunlight and comfortable wind conditions provide attractive, comfortable and safe pedestrian environments have access to schools, parks and community centres as well as libraries/childcare. take advantage of nearby transit services provide good site access and circulation supply both visitor and resident parking screen service areas provide indoor/outdoor amenity space

13 The Story So Far At its meeting on July 6, 2010 City Council directed staff to conduct a full local area review for the lands designated in the Official Plan as Mixed Use Areas fronting on Dundas Street East between George Street and Sherbourne Street and Mixed Use Areas and Neighbourhoods on Sherbourne Street between Dundas Street East and Shuter Street. The intent of the study was to examine the possibility of permitting higher density residential development in that area.

14 New Study Area

15 Why Study Downtown East? Rich Heritage Context threatened both by gentrification and neglect. Public safety both real and perceived is at an unacceptable level. Area is beginning to experience development pressure. Chance for Planning Staff to get ahead of the curve.

16 Downtown East Planning Study Purpose of the Downtown East Planning Study is to examine built form & planning policies within Study Area; and Examine if existing planning tools and policies are still serving the area. Nested within larger Downtown East Revitalization Study Being done concurrently with Heritage Conservation District Study

17 Project Timeframe Information Gathering Analysis Finalize Policies & Community Consultation Final Report to Council June 6, 2010 February, 2013 Q3, 2013 Q4, 2013 Area Profile HCD Study Tendered Built Form Modelling Draft Planning Policies Community Consultation Final Consultation and Circulation January, 2013 We are here Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

18 Questions

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