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Girl Scouts of Connecticut Troop Cookie Manager Training

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Presentation on theme: "Girl Scouts of Connecticut Troop Cookie Manager Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Girl Scouts of Connecticut Troop Cookie Manager Training
Success, friendship, learning, cookies, fun We think it’s all … Worth Sharing.

2 Welcome! Topics We Will Cover… Cookie Program Safety
5 Skills for Girls Cookie Program dates and materials Volunteer Resources Goal Setting Digital Cookie 2.0 Reaching out to customers and Cookies for Heroes Earning Initial Order recognitions and Booth Sale Bonus Ordering Initial Order cookies and recognitions eBudde Updates Cookie Booths and Cupboards Final Girl Recognitions and TOP Troop Finances

3 2015-2016 Cookie Campaign Success, friendship, learning, cookies, fun
We think it’s all … Worth Sharing.

4 Cookie Order Card cookies Seven varieties of cookies are $4.00 per box. Toffee-tastics are $5.00 per box. Troops earn $.75 in proceeds for every box sold.

5 Fantastic Toffee-tastic!
cookies We will be participating in the second year of the Gluten- Free Pilot with Little Brownie Bakers! Toffee-tastic will continue to be the gluten-free cookie offered by our baker. These cookies are not listed on the Initial Order cards but troops may order cases with their Initial Order. Every troop is guaranteed one case of Toffee-tastics with their Initial Order, if requested. The price for Toffee-tastics will remain at $5.00 per box. 2016 Cookie Order Card promoting the excitement of cookie season and girls “sharing” and achieving their goals. Toffee-tastic cookies have been certified gluten free by the NSF.

6 5 Skills for Girls Goal Setting
Girls learn the importance of goal setting and the skills needed to achieve a goal. Decision Making How to market cookies, deciding where and when to sell cookies, and how to use troop proceeds are key in the decision-making experience for girls. Money Management By collecting money from customers, making change, helping to develop the troop budget, and making plans to use the money, girls gain money management skills and contribute to the financial success of their troop. People Skills Girls learn how to interact with people outside of their family and circle of friends by approaching, talking, and listening to customers. Business Ethics By participating in the Cookie Program, girls will learn about how to interact fairly and honestly with customers.

7 Cookie Program Safety General Safety Tips Tips for Staying Safe
Girls must be registered and complete an Annual Consent form in order to participate in the Cookie Program. Girls should always wear a Girl Scout membership pin, Girl Scout vest/sash, or Girl Scout clothing to identify themselves as Girl Scouts. A parent/guardian or adult troop volunteer must know each girl’s whereabouts when she is participating in the Cookie Program Throughout the Cookie Program, adults must provide age-appropriate supervision, including when she is participating in Digital Cookie 2.0  For Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, adults must accompany girls when they are selling, taking orders for, or delivering cookies. For Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors, the buddy system should be employed, and adults must be aware of how, when, and where the girls are selling products. Adults must be present at all booth sale activities.

8 Using the Internet Safely
Cookie Program Safety Online Safety Tips Using the Internet Safely Before using the internet, girls and her parent/guardian must sign the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge. An adult must supervise girls when they are participating in any online activity relating to the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Girls who are 13 years old or older may use social networking sites to market product, but should use first names only, their troop/group number and council. Personal s or street addresses of girls should never be used for contacting or responding to customers. Instead, an adult address OR a group address monitored by an adult should be used. To participate in Digital Cookie 2.0 girls must read and agree to the Girl Scout Digital Cookie Pledge and her parents/guardians must read and agree to the Digital Cookie Terms and Conditions for Parents/Guardians of Girl Scouts.

9 Cookie Program Dates December 2015
Hold Cookie Program Training for girls and families 16: Invitations to sign up for Digital Cookie will be ed to girls January 2016 2: Initial Order taking begins! 9: Cookie Rallies 31: Initial Order taking ends February 2016 1: Goal Getter Order taking begins 5: Troop deadline to submit order in eBudde for cookies and recognitions. 27-28: Cookie Delivery Weekend 27: Booth Sales begin March 2016 18: Troop cookie bill due for all boxes receive on the Initial Order and cupboards 27: Booth Sales and Goal Getter order taking ends 31: Troop deadline to make eBudde entries and final payments, and submit paperwork to the Service Unit Cookie Manager

10 Cookie Program Materials
For the Troop Cookie Program Guide Large Troop Envelope Receipt booklet Cookies for Heroes flier TOP Troop form Cookie/Money receipt booklet One box of Thin Mints to sample For Each Girl Initial Order Card Family Newsletter Money Envelope Goal Getter Order Card Cookies for Heroes Reminders

11 Volunteer Resources We want to support your troop in the Cookie Program by offering resources you can access at any time. Have questions? Before you contact your SU Cookie Manager check these out: Videos How to Become a Cookie Boss Digital Cookie 2.0 Cookie Booth Sales Goal Getter Sales eBudde Cookie Program Wrap Up One Page PDFs Cookie Program: Initial Order, Goal Getter Sales and Booth Sales Digital Cookie 2.0 Cookies for Heroes and Local GOC Booth Sale How-Tos How to Make an Online Payment All of these resources (and many more!) will be available in the Cookie Connection page at All Troop Cookie Managers and Troop Leaders listed in eBudde will receive The Cookie Recipe via . These s are short and sweet reminders about the Cookie Program right when you need them. Stay tuned for our first issue in December!

12 Cookie Rally Did you know that girls who attend the Cookie Rally sell more boxes than those who do not? Cookies Rallies are great events where girls can get excited about the Cookie Program and participate in activities that increase their confidence in approaching customers, speaking about their products, and developing plans to reach their goals. Join us on January 9, 2016, from 12PM to 4PM. Troops and families can stop by anytime at: Westfield Meriden Mall Danbury Fair Mall The Shoppes at Buckland Hills Crystal Mall If you would like to volunteer at a Cookie Rally please

13 Cookie Rally NEW for 2016! Every girl who attends the Cookie Rally and visits the stations will receive a Cookie Program Marketing Kit. This kit includes: Business cards to leave with customers “Ask Me About Girl Scout Cookies” button Door Hangers to advertise cookie sales in the neighborhood Marketing Tips flier with lots of ways to promote the Cookie Program All girls will also receive the 2016 Cookie Rally patch.

14 Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Goal Setting in the Cookie Program Goal Setting is an important skill that can be learned through participating in the Cookie Program. Goals should be set by…. All Troops Every Girl Each Service Unit Girl Scouts of Connecticut Creating a plan to reach a goal, sharing the goal with others, and securing their support are key to success in the Cookie Program. Our most successful cookie sellers are also great goal setters. They encourage other girls to participate in the Cookie Program and inspire customers to support their efforts.

15 Goal Setting in the Cookie Program
Troop Goals Goal Setting in the Cookie Program Every Troop should discuss and agree on a goal (or more!) before the start of the Cookie Program. A goal is about more than a certain number of boxes, it is based on what the girls want to do and how it will impact those around them. Great questions to ask girls to begin this discussion include: What activities would we like to participate in? How can we help our communities? What does our troop need? Once the girls have decided on their goals they can determine: How much money will we need to accomplish these? How many boxes of cookies will we need to sell to earn the amount in proceeds? What is our plan to sell this number of boxes? Goals have included creating community gardens, travelling to World Centers, purchasing first aid kits and uniforms, going on a camping trip, purchasing and donating supplies to animal shelters, and so much more!

16 Goal Setting in the Cookie Program
Individual Goals Goal Setting in the Cookie Program When a troop has a goal, it is easy for a girl to see that she has a part in making something big happen! Girls will know how many boxes they should sell to help their troop achieve their goal. Girls can also determine their own goal beyond what the troop has set. Girls may challenge themselves to increase their sales from last year, they may decide to work toward a particular recognition, or they may decide to earn money for camp through Cookie Credits. Every girl should record her goals on the front of her order card so that customers can see that their purchase is making a difference.

17 Goal Setting in the Cookie Program
Service Unit and Council Goals Goal Setting in the Cookie Program Service Unit Goals Every Service Unit can earn funds when they achieve their goal! Our Service Unit goal is to increase our sales by ½%, and our stretch goal is to increase our sales by 2%. If everyone works together we can reach these goals and earn the Service Unit Bonus! GSOFCT’s Total Goal Our council’s goal is to continue offering enriching opportunities for our girl and volunteer members. To do that, we want to sell 2,350,400 boxes. Every girl, troop, and Service Unit has a part in reaching this goal!

18 Reaching Customers Initial Order and Goal Getter Sales
. Reaching Customers Initial Order and Goal Getter Sales There are many ways for girls to reach customers and They are encouraged to try them all! Sell to Family and Friends Digital Cookie Sales Door to Door Sales Workplace Sales Marketing Through s and Texts Social Media Marketing The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful Marketing Via Business Cards and Fliers Telephone Sales Everyone should know that it is Cookie Time!

19 Digital Cookie 2.0 Highlights from Digital Cookie 1.0
More than 1,600 girls in CT sold at least one box online More than 40,000 boxes were sold via Digital Cookie 1.0 (5th highest number of boxes sold by all participating councils) CT Girl Scouts sold cookies online to customers in all 50 states Approximately 18,000 packages were sold within Connecticut and 22,700 were sold to customers in the other 49 states Digital Cookie 1.0 Sales by order type Digital Cookie 1.0 Sales by program level Order Type # of Boxes Donation 6,477 Girl Delivery 7,756 Girl Delivery + Donation 4,683 Shipped 14,132 Shipped + Donation 7,791 Level # of girls Daisy 694 Brownie 545 Junior 265 Cadette 90 Senior/Ambassadors 28

20 Digital Cookie 2.0 What’s new for 2.0 for girls/families/customers?
Reduced shipping fees and NO ADDITIONAL FEE for cookies purchased for Girl Delivery OR Donation. Mobile app (iPhone and Android) – available by January 15, 2016 Girls/families will need to register and set up web page in Digital Cookie in order to use the app. Cookie Badges specific to the girl’s program age level will be available on Digital Cookie along with badge requirements. Games and videos specific to the girl’s program age level will be featured and can be used to fulfill cookie badge requirements. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

21 Digital Cookie 2.0 What’s new for 2.0 for volunteers?
Improved functionality for troop volunteers to see what types of orders (shipped, girl delivery or donation) girls have received Parents/volunteers can easily switch between their role as leader, parent, and/or Service Unit Manager without needing to log out. Parents/volunteers will only receive the one registration in December. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

22 Digital Cookie 2.0 How to get started
Look for a registration on December 16 from Digital Cookie at the address used to register the girl with GSOFCT. This will come from Troop families should add this address to their safe sender list so Digital Cookie s do not end up in SPAM The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

23 Digital Cookie 2.0 digital Parents/volunteers will need to register themselves first and then will be able to register their daughter(s). Registering as a volunteer does NOT automatically register her daughter(s) A parent/volunteer will need to specifically register her daughter(s) individually. NOTE: Girls will need to be registered Girl Scouts in Connecticut The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful Once you have registered, watch your inbox for a registration confirmation and save this where you can find it during cookie season!

24 Cookies for Heroes Program Information
The Cookies for Heroes Program is a unique gift of caring project where girls can offer customers the opportunity to thanks our local heroes, veterans, and active duty members of the military. This is a virtual program so girls and troops do not need to handle the boxes. Girl Scouts of Connecticut works with several partner organizations to distribute cookies to our heroes. These organizations include: Marine Parents Molly’s Adopt a Sailor Home for the Brave Project Hometown Support Operation Gift Card Blue Star Mothers Navy League AMVETS Marine Corps Auxiliary Project from the Heart Veterans of Foreign War Please let us know of any other possible partners in your community. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

25 Cookies for Heroes Customer Information
. Cookies for Heroes Customer Information Customers can support the Cookies for Heroes program every time a girl asks them to make a purchase: On the Order Card: The first column on each customer’s line on the Initial Order card and the Goal Getter order card can be used to record Cookies for Heroes sales. Girls will also receive a reminder slip to staple or tape to their order card. Dear Customer, Cookies for Heroes is our council’s Gift of Caring service project that encourages customers to support Girl Scouting, our veterans and  active duty military members at home and overseas as well as local community heroes. Please consider purchasing cookies for this great cause. Your donation helps our troop and enables Girl Scouts of Connecticut to send cookies to our deserving heroes. Thank you for your support. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

26 Through Digital Cookie 2.0:
Cookies for Heroes Customer Information Through Digital Cookie 2.0: When a customer views a girl’s digital order card, she can select to support Cookies for Heroes as well as purchase her favorite Girl Scout cookies. At a Booth Sale: Girls can display their Cookies for Heroes flier and make their own posters to market this program to customers at their booths. They can also use the Cookies for Heroes box wrap to cover a box of cookies and display it with the other offerings on the table. Troops should set a goal for Cookies for Heroes and share it with their friends, family, and customers. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

27 New Cookies for Heroes Recognition!
. Cookies for Heroes Recognitions New Cookies for Heroes Recognition! Girls who sell 15 or more boxes in support of the Cookies for Heroes program will earn the Bracelet/ Hair Tie Trio. Gift of Caring Patch Girls who sell at least one box of cookies in support of the Cookies for Heroes program or a Local Gift of Caring Project as determined by their troop can earn the Gift of Caring patch. Cookies for Heroes sales count toward a girl’s final number of boxes sold, so the more Cookies for Heroes boxes she sells the closer she will get to her goal! These boxes count toward recognitions and Cookie Credits for the girls, and troops earn proceeds from each box sold. The Volunteer section of the website s one-stop portal to all volunteer inspiration, training, video messages from other volunteers, and ready to go resources to help volunteers find cookie season quick, easy and delightful

28 Initial Order Recognitions
Girls Initial Order Recognitions Special Opportunity! Girls can earn a special recognition when they sell 115 boxes or more on their Initial Order. These boxes may include: Any Cookies for Heroes or Local Gift of Caring purchases All orders received through Digital Cookie 2.0 Orders received in person, over the phone, or through other connections with customers The Initial Order period runs from January 2-31, 2016 so girls will want to contact customers early in the Cookie Program to earn the Cookies and Milk Apron recognition! The length of the apron can be adjusted.

29 Initial Order Recognitions
Troops Initial Order Recognitions Just for Troops! Every cookie seller with orders in eBudde and two adult volunteers can earn this special recognition for Initial Order sales. Troops that average 115 boxes or more per girl participating in the Initial Order will earn Poppin’ Paisley Bandanas! The average will be calculated based on all girls’ sales in the Initial Order period, plus any cases ordered for booth sales or Goal Getters on the Initial Order.

30 Booth Sale Bonus Troops can order additional cases of cookies with their Initial Girl Orders in eBudde. These cookies can be used at upcoming booth sales or to fill Goal Getter Orders. Increase the number of cookies ordered with the initial order! Booth sales boxes count toward the number of cookies sold and can help troops earn their Poppin’ Paisley Bandanas. These boxes also bring you closer to reaching your troop and Service Unit goals. Earn more in troop proceeds! For every 20 cases ordered on the initial order troops receive a $20.00 bonus. Troops having multiple booth sales can order more and earn more. Order 40 cases earn $40.00! Have cookies available and skip the cupboard! It’s great to have cookies on hand to fill additional orders. Troops choose the varieties of cookies they would like, so make sure to order the most popular varieties to keep customers satisfied. Booth Sale Bonus cookies may not be returned to a Cookie Cupboard.

31 eBudde General Information
eBudde is the online system our council uses to manage the Cookie Program. In eBudde, Troop Cookie Managers will: Enter/update troop contact information and level Enter cookie orders Order recognitions Record girl payments Enter booth sale information Select cookie pick up time for Delivery Weekend Record troop payments to the council Assign boxes to girls Review “DOC Orders by Girl” Report Initial Order eBudde Instructions will be available online and from your Service Unit Cookie Manager in January.

32 eBudde Updates for 2016 Password Update
All eBudde users will use when they sign in for the first time this season. eBudde will require you to create a unique password after you log in. Girls Listed in eBudde Our council is uploading girl names and ID number into eBudde. All girls that have been entered into our membership database will be listed for the Troop Cookie Manager. Please do not change or delete these entries as they link each girl to Digital Cookie 2.0. When names or IDs are changed eBudde and Digital Cookie cannot communicate and neither the troop nor the girl can automatically receive credit for online orders. eBudde Assigned ID Numbers If a girl is not listed in eBudde she can be added by the Troop Cookie Manager. She will be assigned an ID number by eBudde. Once assigned please do not change this ID number. It will look different than the other numbers assigned in the troop; that is okay.

33 eBudde eBudde Initial Order Checklist for Troops
Submitting the Initial Order eBudde Initial Order Checklist for Troops Update all troop contact information Enter any girls who are not listed Enter orders (in boxes) under each girl’s name* Enter booth sale order (in cases) under the Booth line Submit Initial Order Select a time to pick up your Initial Order Order Initial Order Recognitions The deadline to complete all items on this checklist is 11:59 p.m. on February 5, 2016. Only troops who list boxes by girl can receive Initial Order Recognitions and the Booth Sale Bonus.

34 Cookie Delivery The Most Exciting Weekend of the Year!
Cookies will be delivered to multiple sites the weekend of February 27 and 28, Each Service Unit will be assigned a date, location, and timeframe for their troops to pick up. Troop Cookie Managers will reserve a time to pick up their cookies when they submit their Initial Order in eBudde. Please make sure that two adults are available to pick up cookies during your selected timeslot: one adult to drive the vehicle and one adult to count the number of cases as they are loaded. If more than one vehicle is needed to transport the order all drivers must be made aware of where they are going and when. All vehicles must be present before joining the line. Cookie Delivery Sites are always in need of volunteers! Please consider joining us for the day or putting us in contact with groups in your community who may be interesting helping.

35 Cookie Booths and Cupboards
Cookie Booths can be held from February 27-March 27, 2016 All troops and individual girls may hold booth sales. Booths are a great place for girls to market the Cookies for Heroes Program and interact with new customers. Boxes sold at cookie booths count toward recognitions and total sales! Cookie Cupboards Cupboards are volunteer run and will be open in March 2016 Volunteers may pick up boxes of cookies for Booth Sales and Goal Getter Sales A full list of Council Cookie Cupboards will be available in February 2016

36 TOP Troop Recognition Troops will earn an additional 5¢ per box in council store credit and be recognized as a TOP Troop when they meet these requirements: T Troops average 125 boxes per girl selling. O Troop’s payment is made ONLINE and ON TIME. Payment for ALL COOKIES PICKED UP PRIOR to MARCH 16 is due on March 18, 2016. P Turn paperwork in on time. Complete all entries into eBudde, hand in online payment confirmations and TOP Troop Recognition forms to the Service Unit Cookie Manager by March 31, 2016. All TOP Troop Recognition certificates must be redeemed by September 19, 2016 Cookie Calculations A troop of 10 girls would need to sell 1,250 boxes of cookies and meet the deadline/paperwork requirements to earn TOP Troop. That means they would earn $ in troop proceeds plus $62.50 in TOP Troop Credit for a total of $1,000.00!

37 Final Girl Recognition
Girl Recognitions and Cookie Credits are based on the total number of boxes girls sell throughout the Cookie Program. These include all boxes sold on the Initial Order, as Goal Getter sales, at Booth Sales, through Digital Cookie 2.0. and in support of the Cookie for Heroes Program. When girls sell 150 boxes of cookies they receive these great recognitions plus a $10 Cookie Credit, and help the troop to earn the TOP Troop Recognition! All recognitions are pictured on the back of the Initial Order Card.

38 Troop Finances General Information
Payment for cookies by customers should be made when they receive the cookies. However, payment for any Cookies for Heroes or local Gift of Caring cookies should be paid for at the time they are ordered by the customer. Troops are financially responsible for any cookies that they order on the initial order, those picked up to fill Goal Getter orders, and all cookies sold at booth sales. Payment for cookies purchased through Digital Cookie will be automatically recorded in eBudde both for the girl and the troop. eBudde will automatically calculate the troop’s proceeds and the amount due to the council.

39 Troop Finances Payment Information
Banking through Webster Bank’s online banking system (accessible at is the preferred method of payment to Council. There is a new link and procedure for paying online. The system no longer requires a username and password but the troop bank account and routing number needs to be entered. Bank carefully: overpayments of $10.00 or less will not be refunded. All deposits into the Council account must be recorded in eBudde. Troops must provide online payment confirmations or validated deposit ticket with the final paperwork to the Service Unit Cookie Manager Payments must be made on or before the due dates: March 18: Payment due for all cookies ordered with the Initial Order and all boxes obtained from cupboards through March 16 March 31: Deadline for final deposits for Goal Getter Orders and booth sales. If a family has not paid for their Girl Scout’s cookies by the payment deadline the troop should not cover their payment. Contact your SU Cookie Manager if you are having trouble collecting funds from a family.

40 Next Steps Review the Cookie Program Materials
Look through the materials for the girls as well as the Cookie Program Guide. Make sure you have the correct number of items for the girls in your troop. Schedule Your Troop’s Cookie Meeting Set a date with the Troop Leader and share it with your troop’s families Log In to eBudde eBudde will be open for troops on December 20. You can log in then to updates your troop’s information and familiarize yourself with the site. Check Your Issues of The Cookie Recipe will begin arriving in your in-box in December. These s offer timely information to guide you through the Cookie Program. The links to all electronic resources will also be listed in these s as they are posted on the Cookie Connection. Contact Us With Questions Please let your Service Unit Cookie Manager or the Product Sales team know how we can help or if you would like to review the Cookie Program information.

41 Thank You!

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