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Assessment Purposes  Assessment for Curriculum Diagnostic Motivation Grades  Assessment for Communication Certification Selection  Assessment for Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment Purposes  Assessment for Curriculum Diagnostic Motivation Grades  Assessment for Communication Certification Selection  Assessment for Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment Purposes  Assessment for Curriculum Diagnostic Motivation Grades  Assessment for Communication Certification Selection  Assessment for Accountability Proof of Outcomes Certification Grades Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, p. 246.

2 Language Assessment: Fundamental Concepts 1. Construct Definition 2. Test Methods 3. Validation Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, p. 246.

3 Construct and Specificity Relationship Quad. Description Test 1. Ability/SpecificChemSPEAK 2. Ability/GeneralVocab Levels Test 3. Perform/SpecificOccup English Test 4. Perform/GeneralACTFL Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, pp. 251-253.

4 Test Task Characteristics 1. Setting 2. Rubrics 3. Input to test-takers 4. Output expected from learner 5. Input / Output Relationship Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, p. 254.

5 Test Validation 1. Content validity 2. Criterion-related validity 3. Construct validity Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, pp. 254-257.

6 Test Analysis 1. Item difficulty 2. Correlation Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, pp. 256-257.

7 What is Washback? Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, pp. 258-259.

8 Possible Assessment Related Jobs  Writing test items  Compiling, editing tests  Analyzing test results  Analyzing correlation between tests  Teaching students to PREPARE for tests  Writing test preparation materials

9 ‘Alternative Assessment  Observation  Portfolios  Self-Assessment  ‘Alternative’ assessment: Advantages and disadvantages Chapelle, Carol A. & Geoff Brindley. 2010. Assessment. In Norbert Schmitt, editor. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, 2nd edition, Chapter 15, pp. 247-267. London: Hodder Education, pp. 259-264.

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