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What is ? Nationally available, subject-specific performance assessment Focuses on student learning and principles from research and theory Designed.

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Presentation on theme: "What is ? Nationally available, subject-specific performance assessment Focuses on student learning and principles from research and theory Designed."— Presentation transcript:

0 Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program
Alabama Educator Preparation Programs and Certain Certification Approaches Dr. Jendia Grissett

1 What is ? Nationally available, subject-specific performance assessment Focuses on student learning and principles from research and theory Designed to be educative for candidates, preparation programs and policy makers 1

2 What is ? Helps candidates develop the confidence and skills they need to be successful in urban, suburban, and rural schools. Provides a uniform and evidence-based process that can be used across states to confirm that aspiring teachers demonstrate their readiness for the classroom. Measures candidates' ability to differentiate instruction for diverse learners, including English language learners and special education students. Provides meaningful and consistent data that can be used to improve teacher education programs and renew program curriculum. Creates a body of evidence of teacher performance 2

3 Who is Involved?

4 edTPA Development Stanford University faculty and staff have been involved in the past 25-years in the development of performance-based assessments of teaching including the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards InTASC portfolio Performance Assessment for California Teachers Reflects substantive advice from teachers and teacher educators Input from design and review team members comprised of university faculty national subject matter organization representatives K-12 teachers 4

5 27 Subject-Specific Areas
Agriculture Business Classical Languages Early Childhood Educational Technology Specialist Tech and Engineering English as an Additional Language Family & Consumer Science Health Performing Arts Physical Education Library Specialist Literacy Specialist Special Education Visual Arts World Language Elementary Education Literacy & Mathematics Literacy Mathematics Middle Childhood English-Language Arts History/Social Studies Science Secondary

6 Copyright © 2015 Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. All rights reserved. edTPA handbooks are authored by the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) with editorial and design assistance from Pearson.

7 Summative Assessment of Teaching Practice
Common Architecture across 27 fields Subject Specific “Learning Segment” of 3-5 days/hours of instruction Plans based on contextual knowledge of the learning environment: Academic, social emotional and language development Prior academic learning, lived experiences, personal, community and cultural assets Portfolio collection of artifacts and commentaries

8 Evidence of Practice Task 1: Planning Task 2: Instruction Task 3:
Assessment Context for Learning Lesson Plans Instructional Materials Student assignments Planning Commentary Unedited Video Clips Instruction Commentary Evaluation criteria used to analyze student learning Analysis of whole class assessment Analysis of learning and sample of feedback to three students Assessment Commentary

9 edTPA Rubric Blueprint
Task name: Rubric Title Guiding Question Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Represents the knowledge and skills of a seriously struggling candidate who is not ready to teach Represents the knowledge and skills of a candidate who is possibly ready to teach Represents the knowledge and skills of a candidate who is qualified to teach Represents a candidate with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for a beginning teacher Represents the advanced skills and abilities of a candidate very well qualified and ready to teach For MOST fields, There are 15 subject-specific rubrics, five for each task. Each contains a focus, which can be found in the title, a guiding question, and five performance levels that illustrate a progression from “not ready to teach” to “stellar candidate.” Level 1- Represents the knowledge and skills of a seriously struggling candidate who is not ready to teach Level 2- Represents the knowledge and skills of a candidate who is possibly ready to teach. Level 3- Represents the knowledge and skills of a candidate who is qualified to teach. Level 4- is indicative of a candidate with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for a beginning teacher Level 5- Represents the advanced skills and abilities of a candidate very well qualified and ready to teach.

10 Rubric Progression 1 5 Teacher Focus Student Focus
Not Ready Early Novice Highly Accomplished Beginner 1 5 Teacher Focus Student Focus Whole Class Individuals/ Flexible Groups Intentional & Well Executed Fragmented or Indiscriminate

11 Who Scores? 50% EPP faculty and 50% P-12 Educators who:
Are subject matter experts Have experience mentoring or supervising beginning teachers Have taught in that subject in the past 5 years Taught methods or supervised student teachers in that field or Administer teacher preparation programs Over 20% of scorers are National-Board Certified Teachers 11

12 Scores and Score Reporting
Candidates Aggregate score across all rubrics Rubric-level descriptive feedback Preparation Programs Candidate-level scores Aggregate data by field

13 Score Profile Score Summary Rubric Score Total edTPA Score
Average Rubric Score 1 Score Summary The most recent scores you have earned on this assessment across all attempts. 2 Rubric Score This column displays your score for each edTPA rubric. These scores may be reported as an average, as more than one scorer may score your portfolio. Note: If your score is a letter (e.g., “A”), and not a number, the submission could not be scored due to one of the conditions listed in the “Condition Codes” in the Submission Requirements document on the Candidate Policies page at . 3 Total edTPA Score The total is the sum of all rubric scores. In the case of a .5 score at the Total edTPA Score level (e.g., 39.5), the Total edTPA score will be rounded up to the next highest whole number (e.g., 40). Note: Rubrics without a numeric score are not included in the Total edTPA Score. 4 Average Rubric Score The average score is calculated by dividing the Total edTPA Score (unrounded) by the number of scored rubrics.

14 Score Profile Performance Description Score Reporting
5. Performance Description This section describes your performance on each scoring rubric. Use this information to interpret your performance. 6 Score Reporting These states and/or institutions also received your results, as you requested during registration.


16 Why ? Alabama Educator Certification Assessment Program
Basic Skills Assessments: Reading for Information; Writing; and Mathematics – Entry into a Teacher Education Program and some initial certification approaches such as the Alternative Baccalaureate Certification route. Content Knowledge Assessments: Praxis II assessments to gauge “a just qualified candidates” knowledge of his/her content knowledge. (A federal requirement under Title II reporting.) edTPA: A performance assessment that requires a beginning teacher to demonstrate teaching effectiveness. 16

17 Why ? August 2014 September 2014 October 2014
21 of 27 EPPs attended Auburn University session on GA’s implementation of edTPA September 2014 AL State BOE adopts resolution to endorse ACEPLEP report concepts Combining CAEP standards with Continuous Improvement of Educator Preparation Program Review Explore use of Teacher Performance Assessment October 2014 State Superintendent Memo 17

18 Why ? Implement State-wide performance assessment
Fall semester Academic year Initial Professional Educator Certificate requirement Class B internships Alternative Class A internships Grant opportunity Learn about edTPA Plan with K-12 partners Encourage interns to participate in official scoring 18

19 Alignment to Initial Certification in Alabama

20 P-12 Partners and Cooperating Teachers
Collaborative Co-Teaching Mutually Beneficial Reflection Analysis of Data Mentor Facilitator Videotaping National Board Certification IEPs Contextual Learning Environment


22 2014 Administrative Report
18,436 portfolios (15-rubric field handbooks) 44.3 average 7.8 standard deviation Candidates performed most strongly on the planning task (M = 15.4), followed by the instruction task (M = 14.8) and the assessment task (M = 14.1).

23 Additional Sources of Information

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