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Assessment as a Learning Tool to Master CALL Skills in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Course Lyra Riabov Associate Professor Center for Language.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment as a Learning Tool to Master CALL Skills in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Course Lyra Riabov Associate Professor Center for Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment as a Learning Tool to Master CALL Skills in a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Course Lyra Riabov Associate Professor Center for Language Education Southern New Hampshire University NNETESOL November 15, 2003

2 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL2 Discussion Objectives of the EFL 537 CALL Course in MS TEFL Program in SNHU Challenges of Learning and Teaching CALL Course Assessment Model Used in This Course to Meet These Challenges

3 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL3 Objectives of the EFL 537 CALL CourseEFL 537 Overview research, practice and critical issues of CALL environments, Learn computer technology such as, use of the Internet, E-Mail, MS Word, MS Power Point, Create a web page as tool for EFL/ESL instruction Evaluate CALL software, Develop lesson plans incorporating the use of appropriate CALL software, and/or Web- based resources Create E-Portfolio Raphael, The School of Athens Vatican (fragment)

4 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL4 A Web of Challenges Standards for CALL are still in the stage of exploration by TESOL CALL IS group CALL classroom includes students with knowledge of technology or knowledge of language teaching but rarely with knowledge of both It is a challenge to develop lessons that appeal to both types

5 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL5 Philosophy of Learning and Structure of the CALL Course: Hands on activities Learning through doing Project based learning Collaborative learning Peer teaching Continuous Assessment Galileo Galilei Uffizi, Florence, Italy

6 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL6 Forms of Learning & AssignmentsAssignments Tasks and projectsprojects Workshops Presentations Reflection discussions and papersReflection discussions Lesson Plans presentations, which include computer-assisted language learning activitiesLesson Plans presentations E-portfolios and self-evaluationE-portfolios Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy

7 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL7 0nline and textbook reading and discussiontextbook reading E-discussion board and e-forums Online TutorialsTutorials In class and by e-mail student-student, teacher- student active communicatione-mail Instructional/teacher-peer feedback Team learning and peer evaluation Evaluation and feedback rubrics Forms of Instructional Support & Communication

8 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL8 How to Meet the Challenges Continuous Assessment serves as a Learning Tool Learner-centered strategies place the learner in the center of the learning process Learning and its outcome are assessed in process of the student work on the Web based project, presentations, and e- portfolios Learning is guided and assessed with the help of rubrics, check lists, and tutorials Creative thinking is assessed through software and websites evaluations Reflecting in a written form, e-forums, and class discussions link to self-assessmentself-assessment Students are graded for the learning process as well as the outcomes

9 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL9 Assessment Tools Information Rubric: class list, e-accounts, etc.,class list Computer Skills Evaluation Rubric: first class & last classfirst class last class Final Project Presentation Check List Check List Instructor’s Guidelines for writing a reaction or moderating a discussion Peer Evaluation of the Reaction Presentation and Moderating a Discussion Guidelines for a CALL lesson planlesson plan Software evaluation rubricSoftware Web site evaluation rubric Computer skills tutorialstutorials Written reflection on reading and critical points by e-forums & e-mail communication Self-Assessment Questionnaires Questionnaires Students’ surveysurvey

10 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL10 Continuous Assessment Assessment of the starting mix of skills Assessment of the progress of acquiring the skills Assessment for instructional purposes Assessment as integral part of classroom activities Assessment focus on process of leaning as well as products

11 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL11 Comparative Results EFL537 CALLEFL537 CALL 2002-2003 12-week course March 2003December 2002

12 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL12 Recommendations Due to a great mix of the computer skills and a great diversity of background knowledge of linguistics and language acquisition skills continuous alternative assessment of the progress of learning as well as its outcome is crucial all through the CALL course. Philosophy of teaching: Learner-centered class, hands on activities, learning through doing, project based learning, collaborative learning, and peer teaching. Assessment becomes an integral part of classroom activities. Student Web based e-portfolios and self-assessment increase motivation and comprehension of the whole process of learning.

13 Lyra RiabovAssessment Tools for CALL13 References An Exploration of Standards for CALL (TESOL 2003)An Exploration of Standards for CALL (TESOL 2003 Douglas Mills, What Constitutes CALL Competence? Thomas N. Janicki, George P. Schell, & Jay Weinroth (2000) Development of a Model for Computer Supported Learning Systems. International Journal of Educational TechnologyInternational Journal of Educational Technology National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for All Teachers History Of CALL La Marca, Paul M. (2001). Alignment of standards and assessments as an accountability criterion. Practical Assessment, Research & EvaluationPractical Assessment, Research & Evaluation Emily Gómez,(2000). Assessment Portfolios: Including English Language Learners in Large-Scale Assessments.ERIC Digest Assessment Portfolios Joy Egbert, Trena M. Paul & Yoko Nakamichi (2002). The Impact of CALL Instruction on Classroom Computer Use: A Foundation for Rethinking Technology in Teacher Education. Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 6, No.3, September 2002, pp. 108-126The Impact of CALL Instruction on Classroom Computer Use: A Foundation for Rethinking Technology in Teacher Education. Language Learning & Technology Dörnyei, Z. (2002). Questionnaires in second language research: Construction, administration, and processing. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum

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