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Explain why different colors of light result

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Presentation on theme: "Explain why different colors of light result"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain why different colors of light result
from electron behavior in the atom. When an electron returns to their ground state from an excited state, the atom emits a photon whose frequency corresponds to the energy difference between the two energy levels. Each frequency corresponds to a certain color.

2 Explain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states That it is not possible to know precisely the velocity and the position of a particle at the same time.

3 Compare and contrast Bohr’s model and the
quantum mechanical model. Both models limit an electron’s energy to certain values. Unlike the Bohr model, the quantum model make no attempt to describe The electron’s path around the nucleus.

4 Describe where electrons are located in an
atom. Electrons are located around the nucleus at a position that can be described only by a probability map. A boundary surface is chosen to contain the region that the electron can be expected to occupy 90% of the time.

5 Explain the relationship between energy
levels and sublevels. The number of energy sublevels in a principal energy level increases as n increases. (# sublevels = n for n< 4)

6 Describe the shapes of s and p orbitals.
s orbitals s are spherical and p orbitals are dumbell shaped.

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