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Modernist Literature. International literary and cultural movement of the early 20 th century Reflected a sense of cultural crisis which was both exciting.

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Presentation on theme: "Modernist Literature. International literary and cultural movement of the early 20 th century Reflected a sense of cultural crisis which was both exciting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modernist Literature

2 International literary and cultural movement of the early 20 th century Reflected a sense of cultural crisis which was both exciting and disquieting Opened up new vistas of human possibilities while called into question previous means of grounding and evaluating ideas What is Modernism?

3 General Features Modernism was built on a sense of lost civilization and lost community—it embodies a series of contradictions and paradoxes Revolution and conservatism Lost of a sense of tradition Lamented in an extreme form of conservatism Celebrated as a means of liberation from the past Increasing dominance of technology Condemned Vehemently Embraced as progress

4 Important Characteristics of Narrative Alienation—Self is separate and distinct from society which is frequently antagonistic to differences Fragmentation– Disintegration or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship Stream of consciousness Complex allusions Juxtaposition and multiple points of view Use of extended metaphors Use of extended symbolism New types of symbolism allusive in style and an interest in rarified mental states

5 Important Characteristics of Poetry Open form Use of free verse Juxtaposition of ideas rather than detailed explanations Use of allusions and multiple associations of words Unconventional use of metaphor Importance given to sound to convey the “music of ideas” Imagism

6 Uses juxtaposition of images and the rhythmic arrangement of words to create a condensed effects Influenced by Japanese haiku—short poems which create a subtle mood through a succession of images

7 The Great Gatsby



10 Point of View: Limited third person Everything we know is seen through the eyes of Nick Carraway

11 The Great Gatsby Themes The American Dream and its disintegration. The American dream was originally about:  Discovery  Individualism  The pursuit of happiness

12 The Great Gatsby Themes Death of the American Dream with unprecedented prosperity and material excess it became tarnished and left:  Social decay  Greed  Empty pursuit of pleasure

13 The Great Gatsby Themes Old money vs. new money : Old money—aristocratic, inherited wealth, tasteful, elegant, have social graces…but ultimately very shallow people New money—vulgar, self- made (rags to riches), showy, tacky…

14 The Great Gatsby Themes Carelessness "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made." – Nick’s description of Tom and Daisy "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made." – Nick’s description of Tom and Daisy

15 The Great Gatsby Symbols The eyes of T.J. Eckleburg—a pair of eyes on a billboard ad for an eye doctor…they overlook the Valley and may represent God looking at and judging American society

16 The Great Gatsby Symbols Green light—at the end of the Buchanan’s dock—represents Gatsby’s hopes and dreams

17 The Great Gatsby Valley of Ashes— between Long Island and NYC, a desolate wasteland used for dumping and burning trash—stands for a moral wasteland

18 The Great Gatsby

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