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The Great Gatsby Definitions. Vulnerable: open to assault.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Gatsby Definitions. Vulnerable: open to assault."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Gatsby Definitions

2 Vulnerable: open to assault

3 Definitions Criticizing: to find fault with

4 Definitions Advantages: A relatively favorable position; superiority of means

5 Definitions Reserved: formal or self- restrained

6 Definitions Consequence: the effect, result, or outcome

7 Definitions Privy: participating in the knowledge of something private

8 Definitions unsought: not desired

9 Definitions feigned: pretended

10 Definitions preoccupation: A state of being when one’s mind is on other thoughts

11 Definitions hostile: angry

12 Definitions levity: lightness of mind, character, or behavior

13 Definitions intimate: very private; closely personal

14 Definitions revelation: disclosure; act of revealing

15 Definitions quivering: to shake

16 Definitions plagiaristic: to pass off someone else’s thing as your own

17 Definitions marred: damaged or spoiled

18 Definitions suppressions: putting down by force

19 Definitions fundamental: basic

20 Definitions decencies: proper behavior

21 Definitions parceled: divide into portions

22 Definitions boasting: bragging

23 Definitions tolerance: putting up with ways that are different from one’s own

24 Definitions riotous: obnoxious; disorderly

25 Definitions excursions: short trip taken for pleasure; getaway

26 Definitions exempt: release; make free from

27 Definitions unaffected: simple; natural

28 Definitions scorn: look down upon; despise

29 Definitions intricate: complicated

30 Definitions responsiveness: a reaction of mind or body to something

31 Definitions flabby: soft; weak

32 Definitions impressionability: act of being easily influenced

33 Definitions dignified: having pride and self-respect

34 Definitions temperament: a person’s nature

35 Definitions abortive: unsuccessful; fruitless

36 Definitions sorrows: sadness; regret

37 Definitions elations: joy; extreme happiness

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