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GEH-MIT German Hands-on Modern Information Technologies Teacher Training Scheme Socrates Programme Comenius Action 2.1 Training of School Education Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "GEH-MIT German Hands-on Modern Information Technologies Teacher Training Scheme Socrates Programme Comenius Action 2.1 Training of School Education Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEH-MIT German Hands-on Modern Information Technologies Teacher Training Scheme Socrates Programme Comenius Action 2.1 Training of School Education Staff

2 GEH-MIT Project In-service training German In-service training opportunities for German language teachers and student teachers. course course material application of ICT Development of a course and the respective course material for the application of ICT in everyday teaching.

3 Methodology theory practice The creation of a link between theory and practice. evaluation The continuous evaluation, design and redesign of the produced training material. "hands-on" approach The adoption of a "hands-on" approach to modern technology. active participation The active participation of the teachers in the design of the material.

4 The Project’s Objectives the needs of the language teacher Develop a training methodology that takes into consideration the needs of the language teacher. ICT as a teaching tool Support teachers in the use of ICT as a teaching tool. quality Improve the quality of in-service language teacher training. Bring together Bring together Universities, training centers, research institutes and schools. real environments Design, develop and test the training scheme in real environments.

5 … objectives within the educational systems Offer a training scheme for the application of ICT within the educational systems where continuous teacher training is not systematic. argumentsin favour Provide arguments for educators in favour of ICT applications in language teaching. didactic plans Develop the abilities to design and evaluate didactic plans of projects making use of ICT. open educational society Create a virtual open educational society.

6 Innovation interaction Training scheme based on interaction between theory and practice new technologies,new roles Familiarization of German teachers with new technologies, and new roles in school practice Teacher centered approach Teacher centered approach in the evolution of the program distant learning techniques The use of distant learning techniques and the capabilities of the web.

7 Target Groups Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland Portugal Teachers of German within their schools in Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Portugal University students of German

8 Dissemination Development of the Geh-Mit web site Development of the Geh-Mit web site Leaflets, posters Leaflets, posters CD-ROM CD-ROM Conferences and symposia Conferences and symposia

9 Participating Institutions Ellinogermaniki Agogi Goethe-Institut Inter-Nationes Athen Universität-Gesamthochschule Kassel Universität der Bundeswehr München Institut für Psychologie und Empirische Pädagogik Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Centro Regional das Beiras Batthyány Kázmér Gimnázium Istituto Superiore Balbo / Liceo Scientifico Palli Gdańskie Liceum Autonomiczne


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