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Regional Challenges in Moving Forward with & Beyond the PRR Agenda – The Africa Region Frank Byamugisha, Operations Advisor, AFTAR Land Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Challenges in Moving Forward with & Beyond the PRR Agenda – The Africa Region Frank Byamugisha, Operations Advisor, AFTAR Land Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Challenges in Moving Forward with & Beyond the PRR Agenda – The Africa Region Frank Byamugisha, Operations Advisor, AFTAR Land Administration Mini-Retreat: November 19-20, 2007

2 Outline Why is land important in Africa? What are the broad approaches? What has the World Bank done so far? What are the challenges?

3 Why is land important in Africa? Prevention of conflicts over land Economic growth Poverty reduction  Security of tenure and access to land for the urban and rural poor, and marginalized groups Environment  Delineation of common property resources through land use planning; and  Facilitation of property rights to natural resources

4 What Are the Broad Approaches Being Used? In urban and rural space: Increasing security of customary or informal land tenure Modernizing land records and registries to improve quality and speed of service delivery Piloting & scaling up low cost & community- oriented approaches to land titling and redistribution Improving management of state lands Land use planning for improved NRM

5 What is being done? Knowledge activities Sector Work, AAA, PSIAs, TA Land policy/Land Administration:  Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Liberia, Mozambique (PSIA), Zambia (PSIA/land administration) Land redistribution:  South Africa (TA), Namibia (AAA), Zimbabwe (AAA) Distance learning courses on “Land Policy, land administration and Land Redistribution” (WBI/DEC/AFR) annually since 2003 Brazil and East Asia study tours to see Bank-supported land reform and land administration projects

6 What is being Done? Rural & Economy-wide Lending Tanzania Land component in PSD Project ($30m)/ PRSCs Uganda Land component in PSD Project ($24m)/ PRSCs Ghana Land Administration Project ($20.5 m) Malawi Land Redistribution Pilot ($27 m) Madagascar Land Administration pilots in several projects ($5m) Burkina Faso Land tenure security pilot component ($3.2 m) in Rural Development project Zambia Land component (part of Agr. Project under prep.) Ethiopia Land Component (part of SLM project under prep.) Cote D’Ivoire Land administration component ($5.3 m) in Community-Driven Development project Zimbabwe Land Redistribution LIL ($5 m, but never effective)

7 KEY CHALLENGES (10) Allocation & efficient use of state land – issues of compensation (Ghana; Uganda) Allocation of village land and endorsement for registration – issues of local governance (Ghana; Zambia; Tanzania; Ethiopia) Land use planning/land registration – issues of compensation/resettlement for encroachers (Tanzania; Ethiopia) Resolving overlapping rights issues (mailo landlords/tenants in Uganda; agric/pastoralists in Ethiopia & Tanzania) – resettlement/compensation

8 KEY CHALLENGES (Cont’d) Reconstitution and densification of national geodetic networks – issues of appreciation & cost Reconstitution and modernization of land records and registries – Sustainability issues Decentralization of land admin. – local gov’nt finance issues; enough business?

9 KEY CHALLENGES (Cont’d) Satellite imagery/hand-held GPS technologies jumping paper technology – Is LIS sustainable at district level? Alternative land dispute resolution systems – barely surviving (Zambia; Uganda) Land Redistribution ($1,000/family Grants) Pilots – Are they scalable in Africa?

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