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The Business Plan. What is a Blue Print? Blueprints What purpose does the blueprint serve? Who is responsible for the blueprint? – Who helps build it.

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Presentation on theme: "The Business Plan. What is a Blue Print? Blueprints What purpose does the blueprint serve? Who is responsible for the blueprint? – Who helps build it."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Business Plan

2 What is a Blue Print?

3 Blueprints What purpose does the blueprint serve? Who is responsible for the blueprint? – Who helps build it Who is allowed to see the blueprint? Are you allowed to change a blueprint? What would happen if construction workers went into a job without a blueprint?

4 The Business Plan We discussed this briefly last week Basically, the business plan is necessary for every business before they “open their doors” – Before you start your business – you need to make sure that you have covered everything – Not doing so – leaves you scrambling looking for quick solutions Often results in the failure of your business

5 The Business Plan You will be responsible for assembling a “Business Plan” for your final evaluation and handing it in before your Dragon’s Den presentation – Your group will be responsible for writing this over the course of a week

6 The Business Plan GROUP WORK AGAIN! Get into your Groups from last week With your group you will be Brainstorming – Think of all the possible, specific, facets of the business that an entrepreneur must think of before it begins – Example: They need to know what merchandise to sell – Try to get over 30 things on your list!

7 Let’s Compile a List

8 The Business Plan Set realistic goals Plan what Products/services you will provide How Your Business will operate What resources will you need? (human, material, technical, financials) How will the day-to-day be run? Marketing research (4 P’s) Who is your target market?

9 The Business Plan Identify the management team and set roles of all employees Project your costs and revenues Obtain Financing

10 The Business Plan The sections 1)Executive Summary – A one page “Coles’ notes” version of your whole business plan – If the reader only has one page to read – this is it 2)The Idea – Outline of your idea – What are you going to sell and why? – Where are you going to locate? – Why is your business going to work? 3)Competition – Who is your direct and indirect competition? – What makes your store unique and how do you differentiate yourself

11 The Business Plan The Functions of your business. Information will include but is not limited to: 4)Marketing – A breakdown of all of your marketing information – Target Marketing, Advertising, Logos, Slogans, Store Name, Selecting Media, etc. 6)Human Resources – Staffing & Training, Job Descriptions, who to hire, how many employees 7)Management – Establishing a Hierarchy – The day-to-day Operation of your business (store hours, responsibilities)

12 The Business Plan 8)Accounting – What assets or liabilities will you have? – What expenses and revenues will you have? – Specific #’s 9)Finance – Where to get your $$$ (loans, investors) – Budgeting 10) Conclusion – Explain to the reader why your business is a good idea to invest in and/or shop at

13 The Business Plan Your business plan will : – Double Spaced – Written in full sentences for the most part You may have charts, graphs, lists – Be 5-8 Pages Long – the more specific your information the better – Tie your business to the material we have covered in class thus far – Include headings for all the different sections

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