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Ireland 27 Music School in IAMS Approx. 400 Teachers and 11,000 students ( Possibly another 40/50 Music Schools around the country with the similar volume.

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Presentation on theme: "Ireland 27 Music School in IAMS Approx. 400 Teachers and 11,000 students ( Possibly another 40/50 Music Schools around the country with the similar volume."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ireland 27 Music School in IAMS Approx. 400 Teachers and 11,000 students ( Possibly another 40/50 Music Schools around the country with the similar volume of pupils) Private and semi-private Music Schools are the providers of vocal and instrumental tuition Not accessible to all - schools are fee paying Elitist as it depends on parents/family circumstances for children to attend Music School

2 Ireland Successive Governments have failed to address the provision of Music Education for all Revised Primary School Curriculum introduced in 2004/2005 – not fully implemented in schools – does not include instrumental tuition Report launched in 2003 recommending National System of Music Education – 2 pilot schemes started from this which will be evaluated in 2008 – awaiting report

3 Ireland Despite lack of Government funding we strive to maintain a high standard of Music Tuition In the past, students had to leave Ireland to further their education and careers 3 rd Level standard now high However, with no proper structures in place it could all disappear overnight As a nation, Music is at our core, we remain positive and hopeful of a sustainable future

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