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Make a chart like this as you watch our film, “Target: Mafia”

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1 Make a chart like this as you watch our film, “Target: Mafia”

2 Time People Social Structures Reaction & Place& Influences& Law Enforcement

3 Right Away Have your notebooks out Pass forward your mafia sheets for check-in.


5 Have out the notes that you have on Have out the notes that you have on TARGET: MAFIA

6 I.The Origins: Sicily a.Where is Sicily? An island off the southern coast of Italy. b.What structural conditions in Sicily allowed the Mafia to emerge? Government was neglectful & corrupt. Sicily was abused and ignored by mainland Italy. c.What functions did it serve for communities there? The mafia starts to take the place of gov’t: protection (militia), charity, marriage licenses, loans.

7 II.Transplanting the Mafia--USA a.What phrase was used to describe the “mainstream” culture of the United States around the turn of the century? WASP: White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant New immigrants: not white, multi-ethnic, Catholic, Jewish, Eastern Orthodox b.Why was the mafia able to find a place for themselves within immigrant communities in the USA? Immigrants are poor; they’re used to relying on mafia for help; they’re disoriented; life is unstable. c.What three immigrant groups formed the source for a large portion of America’s gangs and organized crime? Italians, Irish, Jews d.Explain why some segments of these groups had negative attitudes about the law. Italians: used to government neglect Irish: used to opposing the invading gov’t of the British Jews: used to Slavic government persecution, denying them property and protection

8 III. New Orleans a.What structural instability in New Orleans allowed the mafia to emerge? The instability of government in the Reconstruction era (after Civil War) b.What business ventures was the mafia first involved in? Fruit Markets and Docks c.Give two concrete pieces of evidence that mainstream New Orleans had developed a strong anti-Italian bias because of their fear of the mafia. Police Chief Hennessey “discovers” the mafia Mafia kills him: big public scandal Public Reaction: riot & lynching- NOLA citizens break into the prison and murder Italian inmates for revenge.

9 IV. The American Mafia a.What other name did the mafia go by in their early years in New York? the Black Hand (Italians) the White Hand (Irish) b.What ways of making money did they come up with? Extortion, Gambling, Kidnapping c.What inventive police strategy did NYPD Lieutenant Giuseppe Petrozzino come up with to combat the mafia? He contacts Italian police authorities to successfully profile incoming Mafiosi. d.What happened to him? He is killed by the Mafia in Italy e.What was newly important about Lucky Luciano’s mafia alliance with Meyer Lanski and Bugsy Siegel? The Mafia is becoming AMERICAN. It’s multi-ethnic (Jews) and it’ s big business.

10 V. Celebrity Godfathers a.What sort of things did Frankie Yale do to promote himself? Frankie Uale: Had his face on cigar boxes, charity work. b.Who was Frankie Yale’s young protégé? Alphonse Capone c.What was Capone’s big business in Chicago? How did he get it? Bootlegging; Kills off his boss’ uncle and then kills the competition & threatens other bootleggers

11 VI. Prohibition a.How could prohibition be described as an attempt at social control? It’s an attempt to control immigrants: remove alcohol (bad habit) to get people to behave in a more moderate & civilized way.—MORE MORALITY b.Why is Prohibition a great example of “unintended consequences?” It was meant to promote morality BUT it actually created the opportunity for the Mafia to grow more violent, more powerful, and more profitable. c.Which group was the first to involve itself in bootlegging? What helped them succeed into this niche? The Irish: they were often bar owners, policemen, and politicians. d.What famous family emerged from Boston as wealthy mafia-connected bootleggers? the Kennedys

12 e.What methods did bootleggers and smugglers use to provide liquor to Americans during prohibition? Bringing liquor by boat from Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico Speakeasies: underground illegal bars. f.Why did prohibition era crime have to be “organized?” Had to be sneaky to avoid Feds. Had to be protective from other gangsters. The multi-step process of selling booze was a major business; mafia had to be like a corporation. g.What cultural functions did the underworld life of the speakeasy serve for ordinary Americans? A place to socialize- with the rich and famous and the deviant. To enjoy an escape from the mainstream- Jazz culture (integration) h.What entertainment industries began to be linked to the mafia during the prohibition era? Music, sports, nightclubs, gambling, movies

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