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COORDINATING EARTH OBSERVATIONS, DATA & APPLICATIONS WITH AFRICA Espen Volden GEO Secretariat 7 Bis Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

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Presentation on theme: "COORDINATING EARTH OBSERVATIONS, DATA & APPLICATIONS WITH AFRICA Espen Volden GEO Secretariat 7 Bis Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland"— Presentation transcript:

1 COORDINATING EARTH OBSERVATIONS, DATA & APPLICATIONS WITH AFRICA Espen Volden GEO Secretariat 7 Bis Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland © GEO Secretariat Building a Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained G lobal E arth O bservation S ystem of S ystems African members Algeria Burkina Faso Cameroon Central African Republic Congo, Republic of the Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Guinea-Bissau Guinea, Republic of Mali Mauritius Morocco Niger Nigeria South Africa Sudan Tunisia Uganda Cote d’Ivoire 90 Members & 67 Participating Organizations GEO co-chair: Dr. Philemon Mjwara, DG of South Africa Dep. of Science & Technology African Participating Organizations AARSE ACMAD EIS-Africa RCMRD UNECA Advancing Data Sharing Full and Open Exchange of Data Data and Products at Minimum Time delay and Minimum Cost: Free of Charge or Cost of Reproduction “Value is not in the data themselves but in their use” GEOSS Information System 15 million+ resources 358 stations in Africa AfriGEOSS A regional implementation of GEOSS Next steps Inventory of existing and planned activities Implementation Plan Launch at AfricaGIS-2013/GSDI-14 in Addis Ababa, 4-8 Nov 2013 Engage with regional Space Agencies and Remote Sensing/Geo-information training centres Coordinate Earth Observation satellite infrastructure projects Promote data democracy and data sharing Organise regional workshops & dedicated sessions at main African conferences Establish GEOSS networks in the continent Strengthen active African participation in building GEOSS Build relationships with similar regional entities (GEOSS Americas, Asia-Pacific GEOSS, …) Liaise with ALC, AUC & UNECA for efficient coordination of Member States activities SMOS IKONOS QuickBird SPIN-2SPOT 4, 5 EROS A1 Envisat Aura/Aqua/Terra Grace QuikScat Sage TRMM Toms-EP UARS Landsat 7 SORCE ACRIMSAT SeaWiFS ERBS Orbview 2, 3 Radarsat DMC SAC-C SAC-D/Aquarius COSMO-SkyMed GOSAT Pleiades TerraSAR-X SeaWinds Jason ALOS CBERS Climate Change Detection & Adaptation EC, Japan, USA, ECMWF, GCOS, IGBP, WCRP, WMO Major reanalysis projects covering 50 years or more 2000-year regional climate reconstruction Data portal for seasonal prediction research (YOTC) CEOS Essential Climate Variable (ECV) inventory Global Carbon Observation & Analysis System Global and regional carbon budgets incl. all sources & sinks Global Forest Observation Initiative REDD+ needs, dev. national systems, coord. satellite data acquisitions towards covering all tropical forests Global Agriculture Monitoring for Food Security G20 mandated GEO to dev. crop monitoring of its Agriculture Market Information System (AMIS) Disaster Risk Management Extending from emergency response to entire disaster management cycle Energy sources and environmental monitoring GEO Coal and Environmental Working Group under establishment Fostering Use of Earth Observations by developing applications, products & services with Communities of Practice

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