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Chapter 5 TWO DIMENSIONAL FORCE PROBLEMS. Vehicle Motion with Friction 35 o A box having a mass of 52 kg is placed onto an incline of 35 o. The box experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 TWO DIMENSIONAL FORCE PROBLEMS. Vehicle Motion with Friction 35 o A box having a mass of 52 kg is placed onto an incline of 35 o. The box experiences."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vehicle Motion with Friction 35 o A box having a mass of 52 kg is placed onto an incline of 35 o. The box experiences a friction force of 45 N. a) Determine the μ for the surface. b) Determine the direction and magnitude of F net. c) If the box slides down the incline with acceleration, determine the value of a net. The ramp is 10.0 m long and the box starts from rest, determine the v f at the bottom of the incline.

3 Sliding Box At the request of your mother, you are asked to move a 50.0 kg box from the garage to the kitchen. The box is too heavy for you to lift, so you slide it across the floor. You apply a constant 525 N force onto the box from behind at an angle of 16 o which moves the box with a constant velocity across the floor. a) Determine the F n. b) Determine the F f. c) Determine the value for μ. 16 o

4 Hanging Mass A A sign is suspended from two cables as is shown in the following diagram. The mass of the sign is 150 kg. Determine the F T on each of the cables. The sign is at rest both horizontally and vertically.

5 Sliding Car The coefficient of friction between rubber tires and wet pavement is 0.50. The brakes are applied to a 750 kg car traveling at 30 m/s which skids to a stop. a) What is the size and direction of the force of friction that the road exerts on the car? b) What would be the size and direction of the acceleration as the car is stopping? c) How far does the car travel before stopping?

6 Atwood Machine Problem Two masses are attached on either end of a weightless cord that is passed through a frictionless pulley. The first mass is 5.0 kg and the second mass is 8.0 kg and both are free to move along the pulley. a) What is the F net of the system? b) What is the a net of the system and its direction? c) What is the tension force found on the cord? d) The second mass is 2.0 m above the floor when the system is started from rest. How long does it take to reach the floor? m 1 m2m2 5.0 kg 8.0 kg

7 Projectile Motion A metal ball rolls off of the edge of a table with a velocity of 2.5 m/s and reaches a point that is 1.50 m away from the edge of the table. a) What is the total time of flight? b) How high is the table top above the floor? c) What is the vertical velocity of the ball just prior to impact?

8 Projectile Motion An artillery battery is set at the mouth of the Mississippi River to protect the country from a naval invasion from England. The cannon has a 30 o angle with the horizon and an elevation of 25.0 m above the river. The muzzle velocity of the cannonball is 125 m/s. a) What is the time of flight for the cannon ball? b) What is the horizontal range of the cannon? c) What is the horizontal velocity of the cannon ball? d) What is the vertical velocity of the cannon ball?

9 Two Blocks and a Cord A block of mass 5.00 kg rides on top of a second block of mass 10.0 kg. A person attaches a string to the bottom block and pulls the system horizontally across a frictionless surface. Friction between the two locks keeps the 5.00 kg block from slipping off. If the coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is 0.350, what maximum force can be exerted by the string on the 10.0 kg block without causing the 5.00 block to slip? m M Mg mg T F f FnFn -F f

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