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Car Mechanic By Hunter Hanson. Why I chose this job I think it will be really fun to learn to build and fix cars I really like working with my hands being.

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Presentation on theme: "Car Mechanic By Hunter Hanson. Why I chose this job I think it will be really fun to learn to build and fix cars I really like working with my hands being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Car Mechanic By Hunter Hanson

2 Why I chose this job I think it will be really fun to learn to build and fix cars I really like working with my hands being able to make some really cool stuff in this biasness'.

3 On the job on this job you haft to be able to lift 50 pounds Be able to use car lift Have a G.E.D get high school diploma as well good with your hands sometimes supply your own tools on this job you haft to be able to lift 50 pounds Be able to use car lift Have a G.E.D get high school diploma as well good with your hands sometimes supply your own tools

4 Education Get a G.E.D college diploma high school diploma

5 High school classes Welding Repair Technology careers tech ed building

6 Salary Wisconsin National Salary per Hour Salary Per Hour Entry Median Experienced 31,250 15.02 46,390 71,800 22.30 31.52 31,630 48,970 15.21 23.54 73,45035.31

7 Promotions/Related Jobs able to fix your own car if needed welding Repairing Engineering

8 can fix your own car build muscle good paying job energetic Positive Qualities

9 Negative Quality's blisters back pains bad eyes from welding fears

10 “”Education and work. Education and work,(2011) web. 18 May 2011 Work Sites

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