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Children: The Silenced Citizens droits.asp.

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1 Children: The Silenced Citizens droits.asp

2 The Report itself April 2007 Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights 280 pages “the Convention on the Rights of the Child has not been incorporated into domestic law and that there were gaps in its implementation... [and] concerns about the lack of public awareness about the Convention and children’s rights in Canada” (2005)

3 Importance of the report Its not perfect but it’s the best we got It almost led to action (Bill C-420) It is proof that Canada is aware of its failings

4 Failures of the Report It is inaccessible to children Where are the children? Even the title is problematic

5 Bill C-418: A Commissioner for Children A private members bill tabled in June 2009 by MP Marc Garneau (Lib.) Voted DOWN in Winter 2012 But what about Article 4 of the UNCRC?

6 Bill C-261– Proposal to Lower the Voting Age to 16 A private members bill tabled in February 2005 by MP Mark Holland (Lib.) Voted DOWN in 2007 But what about Article 12 of the UNCRC and Article 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rigths and Freedoms?

7 Your task (game time!) Lets re-open the debate!

8 41 st Canadian Parliament 308 seats 161 Conservative (52%) 100 NDP (32%) 36 Liberal (12%) 4 Bloc (<1%) 2 Green (<1%) 2 Independent ( 1 former Bloc, Cons) (<1%) 1 Independent Conservative (<1%) 2 Vacant (<1%) 308 seats 163 Conservative (52%) 95 NDP (32%) 35 Liberal (12%) 7 Independent (2%) 2 Bloc (<1%) 2 Green (<1%) 2 Forces et Democratie (<1%)

9 Your Task for today: Research Bill C-261 and Bill C-418 Research your Political Party as it currently stands on key issues- what’s its mandate Research your Political Party’s position on both of the above Bills (how did they vote?) How would your party stand on these issues in 2014?

10 For Next Week Come prepared to debate the two Bills (parliamentary style) Each party will prepare an opening statement (2 mins) Each member of parliament will then receive 1 minute to make their points Each party will then be given a 2 minute window for a closing statement

11 Sources? In addition to Government documents, Parliamentary records, Party Websites, the Bills themselves, and newspaper articles, students are encouraged to relate their arguments to: – The UNCRC – Locke, Rousseau, Dewey, Marcuse – Silent Citizens

12 Reward The team that presents the best argument receives: +1 bonus on the final exam The team that presents the 2 nd best argument receives: +0.5 bonus on the final exam Worth playing for?

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