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Presentation on theme: "ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ГИМНАЗИЯ № 397 ИМ. Г.В. СТАРОВОЙТОВОЙ Презентация к уроку английского языка «АРТИКЛИ» Выполнила:"— Presentation transcript:

1 ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ГИМНАЗИЯ № 397 ИМ. Г.В. СТАРОВОЙТОВОЙ Презентация к уроку английского языка «АРТИКЛИ» Выполнила: учитель английского языка Левандина Н.А.

2 Articles. Exercises. Correct Wrong a the an -

3 Exercise 1. Here are some things Tom did yesterday. Write a sentence for each. Morning: 8.00 breakfast 8.30- 9.00 radio 9.30walk/country Afternoon: 1.00 lunch 2.30 cinema Evening: 6.30 dinner 8.00 – 10.00 television 1) At 8 o’clock he had breakfast. to the radio 2) From 8.30 until 9.00 he listened … 3) At 9.30 he went for a walk in … 4) At 1.00 he … 5) At 2.30 … 6) At 6.30 … 7) From … the country had lunch he went to the cinema he had dinner 8.00 until 10.00 he watched television

4 Exercise 2. In this exercise you have to put in a/an or the. Examples: We went to the most expensive restaurant in town. Do you want to watch – television this evening? Last night we went out for a meal in a restaurant. 1) I wrote my name at … top of the page. 2) The Soviet Union was … first country to send a man into … space. 3) After … lunch, we went for a walk by … sea. 4) I’m not very hungry I had … big breakfast. 5) Tim lives in … small village in … country. 6)I never listen to … radio. In fact I haven’t got … radio. 7) I’ve invited Tom to … dinner next Wednesday. 8) We don’t go to … theatre very much these days. In fact, in … town where we live there isn’t … theatre. 9) I prefer swimming in … sea to swimming in pools. 10) Can you turn … television down, please? It’s a bit loud. the - -- a a a - a

5 Exercise 3. Insert articles where necessary. 1) … sky outside … window was already dark, secretaries had gone home, all was quiet. 2) It was … cottage built like … mansion, having … central hall with … wooden gallery running round it, and … rooms no bigger than … closets. 3) … room has three doors; one on the same side as … fireplace, near … corner, leading to … bedroom. 4) He arrived half … hour before dinner time, and went up to … schoolroom at … top of … house, to see … children. 5) There is something in … very expression of his face that tells me so. 6) … man who entered was short and broad. He had black hair, and was wearing … grey flannel trousers with … red woolen shirt, open at … neck, whose collar he carried outside … lapels of his dark tweed jacket. 7) I believe I can tell … very moment I began I love him. 8) … bartender was … pale man in … vest and … apron, with … pale, hairy arms and … long, nervous nose. 9) … old man quitted … house secretly at … same hour as before. 10) Her aunt, in …straw hat so broad that it covered her to … very edges of her shoulders, was standing below with two gardeners behind her. the - Thethe aaaa -- The the an the - The the a - The aaan - a Thethe

6 Exercise 4. Correct or Wrong? 1) Are you going to you picnic the day after tomorrow? 2) Day by the day we talked for hours. 3) Let’s have dinner together? 4) All though night we were looking for the lost dog. 5) Winter in 1979 was very severe. 6) Summer is the traditional time for holidays. 7) It is great to get up early in the morning and take a walk in the forest. 8) Did you like lunch at my aunt’s place? 9) Would you like some fruit salad for the dessert? 10) It was an absolutely fantastic dinner? You are a marvelous cook! Correct Wrong Correct Wrong


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