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Parliamentary control of the ESM

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0 The ESM, national parliaments, and the European Parliament Ralf Jansen
ESM General Counsel Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU 9 November 2015

1 Parliamentary control of the ESM
The ESM is not an EU institution National parliaments scrutinise the ESM European Parliament also has a role What about the future?

2 The ESM is not an EU institution
The ESM is an intergovernmental organisation Established by the euro area Member States at height of crisis At that stage, ESM could not be part of EU legally and politically This has consequences for ESM governance Parliamentary control by national parliaments Informal relationship with European Parliament German Constitutional Court ruling: democracy is in the ESM’s DNA

3 National parliaments scrutinise the ESM
Euro Area Member States provide the ESM with capital. This is not used to lend to programme countries. National Parliaments main actors for ensuring democratic scrutiny ESM Board of Governors are finance ministers, accountable to parliaments Parliaments of Member States are closely involved in ESM decision making, depending on national rules. Documents supporting BoG decisions are prepared two weeks in advance We cannot share directly with national parliaments We are always willing to appear in national parliaments. Board of Auditors

4 European Parliament also has a role
Legally, we can engage with EP only informally. Regular dialogue in past, will continue. Klaus Regling addresses ECON in EP tomorrow (with Jeroen Dijsselbloem) Jeroen Dijsselbloem is Chairman of our BoG and ‘political representative’ Commission can share information on the macroeconomic adjustment programmes with chairs and vice-chairs of relevant EP committees.

5 What about the future? Leaders are thinking about the future of the EU. Five Presidents’ Report. This mentions integrating the ESM into the EU legal framework. Were this to happen, the role of the EP could change. Such involvement must not be detrimental to the role of national parliaments.

6 Contacts Ralf Jansen
Member of the Management Board, General Counsel

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