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Published byAmie Allen Modified over 9 years ago
Liberale Koloniale Regeringstelsel. Identiteitlose kiesers in ‘n samelewing is in die diens van politieke partye. Switserse Demokratiese Bestuursmodel. Dienende gemeenskapsleiers is in die diens van die verskillende gemeenskappe. Stem REG met jou STEMreg. VISIE Konfrontasie met Oorheersing VISIE Vreedsame Naasbestaan sonder Oorheersing Dit is JOU KEUSE ! Direkte Demokrasie 5 Wat is ons toekoms indien ons langer onbetrokke bly ? Gebruik Die gemeente is in die diens van leiers. Matt 23 : 1 – 33 Ellende wag vir julle. Matt 23 : 3 Julle moet alles doen en onderhou wat hulle sê, maar hulle voorbeeld moet julle nie navolg nie. Leiers is in die diens van die gemeente. Matteus 23 : 11 Maar die grootste onder julle moet bereid wees om die ander te dien. Handelinge 15 : 22 Daarna het die apostels en die ouderlinge saam met die hele gemeente besluit........ "The English people thinks itself free but is badly mistaken. It is only free during a general parliamentary election. As soon as parliament has been elected it is again enslaved, it is nothing.“ Suid-Afrika en die Demokrasie: P. COLLINS: Bl 25: Regeer Samelewing is Magteloos. Ordinary people should keep control of the decisions that effect their lives THE SWISS CANTONAL SYSTEM Bestuur Gemeenskappe het Mag deur self verantwoordelikheid te neem. Al wat jy moet doen is :- Raak betrokke by jou woonbuurt-gemeenskap, en stem reg met jou stemreg om die liberale koloniale regeringstelsel te verander na ‘n demokratiese bestuurstelsel, waar politiek en politieke partye geen plek het in woonbuurte, dorpe en in streke nie.
The key to Swiss success is not to be found in natural resources (which are in extremely short supply); nor does it lie in the temperament of its 6.4 million people, who are essentially no different from the Germans, Italians and French in the remainder of Europe. It lies rather in Switzerland's political institutions, which ensure that ordinary citizens are involved in political decision-making, and that no one interest group is able to benefit unduly at the expense of another. The communes, which vary in size from a few hundred to more than a million people, also have their own legislative and executive councils. The cantonal and communal governments are elected by the citizens resident in their areas of jurisdiction. In Switzerland, not only is the right to challenge legislation and launch popular initiatives entrenched at the nation-al level, but all cantons and large communes include the right to referendums and initiatives in their constitutions. Important decisions in small communes are commonly made by the citizens themselves at public meetings. Four political parties dominate the central government. None has a clear majority in either house and they are all represented in the cabinet (the national executive). Instead of the adversarial system common to many democracies, Swiss political groups have to work together to achieve consensus. A different president is elected by members of the central government every year. Public-interest groups play an important role at the national level because they are able to launch referenda to block legislation they oppose. Consequently the cabinet lobbies the interest groups instead of interest groups lobbying the government, as happens in most countries. This is one important way in which the people, and not the politicians control government in Switzerland. The Swiss Cantonal System dr. Frances Kendall
Val Saam In 1929 het RASSE politiek begin. Tot in 1948 wou die ANC die staat se mag met blankes deel om hul gemeenskappe se lewens-standaarde te verhoog. Nuwe Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika Werk Saam Gemeenskappe en Samelewings sal moet kies ! SAP verkiesings- plakkaat teen die PAKT in 1924 Nuwe Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika Bl 247 Dit was die pakt regering wat begin het om Suid Afrika op te bou deur samewerking. Opsomming : Van ‘n ge-organiseerde straat volg straat- / woonbuurt veiligheid ; hoë standaard munisipale dienslewering ; woonbuurt-ontwikkeling en ‘n gemeenskapslewe met woonbuurt-, dorp-, plaas- en streeksrade. Hierdie is MY visie vir ‘n vreedsame, veilige, regverdige en demokratiese Suid Afrika. Hoe sien JY die toekoms, indien ons langer onbetrokke bly in ons woonbuurte, dorpe en streke ? Waaroor gaan alles ?? Good government is achieved when rulers are made accountable – and accountability is assured when ordinary citizens can participate in decisions, remove elected representatives who abuse their mandate, and repeal unpopular laws. THE SWISS CANTONAL SYSTEM - dr F Kendall Switzerland is considered by many to be the most democratic country in the world. It is also one of the world's most successful nations in economic terms. The Swiss people have the highest per-capita incomes in the world, and Switzerland is consistently rated among the top ten nations in terms of quality of life. The Swiss Cantonal System dr. Frances Kendall Waaroor gaan alles ?? Mag aan die mense om self hul eie ideale demokrasie vir hul gemeenskappe, woonbuurte, dorpe en streke uit te werk, omdat al die gemeenskappe in ons land hul eie aard, karakter en probleme het. “Power to the PeopleS” Word vervolg; Direkte Demokrasie 6
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