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Advanced CT systems and Their Performance
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High cost and Low efficiency
Disadvantages Generations source Source collimation detector Detector collimation Source- Detector movement Advantages single multiple Pencil beam Fan- beamlet Fan- beam Narrow cone- beam many Stationary ring Multiple arrays 1st Gen. 2nd Gen. 3rd Gen. 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. no yes Trans.+Rotates Rotates together Source Rotates only No movement 3rdGen.+ bed trans. No scatter Faster than 1G Faster than 2G Higher efficiency than 3G Ultrafast for cardiac faster 3D imaging slow Low efficiency High cost and Low efficiency high scatter high cost higher cost 8th Gen. wide FPD Large 3D Relatively slow
4th Generation CT Scanners Rotate/Stationary
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No 4th Generation CT Scanners Rotate/Stationary Module title Fan beam geometry More than 4800 detectors IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
5th generation: Electron Beam CT (EBCT)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No 5th generation: Electron Beam CT (EBCT) Module title - x-ray source is not x-ray tube but a focused, steered, microwave-accelerated EB incident on a tungsten target. - It has no moving parts . - Target covers one-half of the imaging circle; detector array covers the other half. Images in less than 50ms. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Electron Beam CT (EBCT)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
EBCT(CONT’D) Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Spiral (Helical) CT: Reciprocating rotation (A) versus fast continuous rotation using slip-ring technology (B) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Helical Scanning: Continuous Gantry Rotation Continuous Table Movement Continuous Data Acquisition One set of detectors Beam collimation = slice thickness Helical scanning goes by several different names, depending on which company that you happen to be talking to. <describe> Essentially they all describe the same concept, which a continuous movement of the table, coupled with continuous acquisition. In single slice spiral scanners, the X-ray tube emits a beam as it rotates around the patient. On the other side of the patient, opposite the tube, a set of detectors rotates in synchrony with the tube movement, registering the radiation that has passed thru the patient. In a single detector unit, the tube may emit a beam that is approx 5mm thick,and the detector unit is collimated to register that 5mm beam, leading to the creation of a single 5 mm thick image. Challenges: Tube cooling, and patient comfort – breathhold difficult. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title (A) Pitch = (B) Pitch = 2 IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
MULTISLICE SPIRAL CT Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Introduced at the 1998. They are based multiple detector. rows ranging between 8, 16, 24, 32 and 64 depending on the manufacturer. The overall goal is to improve the volume coverage speed performance. Complete x-ray tube/detector array rotation in less than 1s. Partial scan images can be obtained in approximately 100ms. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
256-slice cone-beam CT detector
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No REAL-TIME CT FLUOLOROSCOPY Module title CT fluoroscopy acquire dynamic images in real time. Fast continuous imaging, fast image reconstruction & continuous image display. Patient movement is low during Tube rotation. Fast image Reconstruction algorithm is required. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
CT ANGIOGRAPHY (CTA) Module title IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No CT VIRTUAL REALITY IAMAGING Module title The use of virtual reality is the creation the inner views of tubular structures. Offers both endoluminal and extra luminal information. It reduces complication (eg. infection and perforation). Four requirements: data acquisition image processing 3D rendering image display and analysis. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
What is displayed in CT images?
Water: 0HU Air: -1000HU Typical medical scanner display: [-1024HU,+3071HU], Range: 12 bit per pixel is required in display.
Hounsfield scales for typical tissues
W L -1024 +3071 For most of the display device, we can only display 8 bit gray scale. This can only cover a range of 2^8=256 CT number range. Therefore, for a target organ, we need to map the CT numbers into [0,255] gray scale range for observation purpose. A window level and window width are utilized to specify a display. 255
Windowing in CT image display
Scintillator Properties of CT
Transparency X-ray stopping power Light output and efficiency for lower dose Primary speed (Fast decay time or quicker response) Luminescent afterglow for quicker speed response Radiation damage
PRIMARY SPEED Primary speed is the rise time of the output signal in response to a constant x-ray input (~ seconds supporting 0.5 second scanning time). It is also the time constant for the first component of exponential decay of that output after the input is turned off. Clinical Significance: Primary speed is critical to maintaining high resolution during sub-second scanning. It must be fast enough to prevent blurring especially at the perimeter of the scan FOV. A slower primary speed can be seen as shading across high contrast edges, such as the skin-air interface.
AFTERGLOW Afterglow is the second time component of the exponential decay of the output after the x-ray source is turned off. Clinical Significance: Afterglow will result in arcing artifacts extending from low attenuation anatomy into areas of higher attenuation. It also decreases in plane spatial resolution.
RADIATION DAMAGE Radiation damage is the darkening of the material with radiation exposure over time. It results in a gain or a shift in output for a given x-ray exposure. It can also cause changes in Z- Axis uniformity. This is especially true for translucent materials. Clinical Significance: Radiation damage causes changes in gain that require frequent re-calibration. It can result in changes in Z-axis uniformity which are more severe. These can cause rings or spots especially when scanning anatomy that changes rapidly along Z.
TRANSPARENCY A transparent material allows light to be transmitted with very little scatter. Most light rays can pass through with a shorter more direct path for light. In a translucent material light rays scatter many times as they travel from the creation site to the photodiode. This longer path length can result in more self absorption, lower net light output, and greater susceptibility to radiation damage. Clinical Significance: Transparency results in higher light output, better signal to noise, better Z-axis uniformity and reduced radiation damage.
X-RAY STOPPING POWER Stopping power is defined as the thickness of material needed to stop 98% of incident x-rays in the typical 140 kVp CT beam (~2-3 mm). Clinical Significance: The thinner the material needed to stop 98% of the x-rays, the greater the light output at the diode.
LIGHT OUTPUT Relative light signal at the diode for a given x-ray input (~70% at 610nm). Clinical Significance: Low light output can result in performance due to less electronic noise vs. quantum noise for thin slice, large patient, low dose application. It can also result in low signal artifacts such as streaking at the shoulders and hips.
EMMISSION SPECTRUM The emission spectrum of a scintillator is the relative intensity of light output at a given wavelength. Clinical Significance: In addition to diode matching for optimal electronic signal output, the emission spectrum of a scintillator can impact the design flexibility of detector systems and its long term stability. In addition to x-ray radiation, scintillator emission in the photo active range can impact detector aging.
Total signal output is a function of how well the emission spectrum of the detector material and sensitivity spectrum of photo diode match. The closer the output spectrum of the detector matches the sensitivity profile of the photo diode, the higher the resultant electrical signal. Clinical Significance: Can reduce effective light output with the expected low signal impacts when scanning large patients with thin slices.
Relative Diode Sensitivity
HiLight: 610nm Gadolinium Oxysulfide: Cadmium Tungstate: Relative Output HiLight: 60% x 70% = 42% Gadolinium Oxysulfide: 40% x 80% = 32% Cadmium Tungstate: 42% x 30% = 13%
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Quality criteria for CT images
Module title Quality criteria for CT images Part …: (Add part number and title) Module…: (Add module number and title) Lesson …: (Add session number and title) Learning objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, the students will be able to: … . (Add a list of what the students are expected to learn or be able to do upon completion of the session) Activity: (Add the method used for presenting or conducting the lesson – lecture, demonstration, exercise, laboratory exercise, case study, simulation, etc.) Duration: (Add presentation time or duration of the session – hrs) Materials and equipment needed: (List materials and equipment needed to conduct the session, if appropriate) References: (List the references for the session) IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title The slice sensitivity profile (SSP) 1) For conventional CT and spiral/helical CT. 2) SSP is wider for 360-degree linear interpolation algorithms. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Scanner performance: technical parameters (I)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Scanner performance: technical parameters (I) CT Number Accuracy CT number depends on tube voltage, filtration, object thickness CT number of water is by definition equal to 0 Measured CT number should be < ± 4 HU in the central ROI CT Number Linearity It concerns the linear relationship between the calculated CT number and the linear attenuation coefficient of each element of the object Deviations from linearity should be < ± 5 HU CT Number Uniformity It relates to the fact that a CT number of each pixel in the image of an homogeneous object should be the same over various regions The difference in the CT number between a peripheral and a central region of an homogeneous test object should be < 8HU Differences are largely due to beam hardening phenomenon IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Scanner performance: technical parameters (II)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Scanner performance: technical parameters (II) Spatial Resolution The high contrast resolution determines the minimum size of detail visualized in the plane of the slice with a contrast >10%. It is affected by: the reconstruction algorithm the detector width the effective slice thickness the object to detector distance the X-ray tube focal spot size the matrix size. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Scanner performance: technical parameters (III)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Scanner performance: technical parameters (III) Spatial Resolution The low contrast resolution determines the size of detail that can be visibly reproduced when there is only a small difference in density relative to the surrounding area Low contrast resolution is considerably limited by noise. The perception threshold in relation to contrast and detail size can be determined, for example, by means of a contrast-detail curve. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Scanner performance: technical parameters (IV)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Scanner performance: technical parameters (IV) Slice Thickness The slice thickness is determined in the center of the field of view. The use of post-patient collimation to reduce the width of the image slice leads to very significant increases in the patient dose IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title CT number uniformity Axial image of an homogenous phantom can be assessed at the same time as measuring noise, by placing four additional ROI (N, E, S and W) at positions near the edge of the image of a uniform phantom IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
CT number linearity Module title CT number linearity is assessed using a phantom containing inserts of a number of different materials (materials should cover a wide range of CT numbers IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Low contrast resolution Typical image of the Catphan LCR insert Low contrast resolution (or low contrast detectability) is often quoted as the smallest visible object at a given contrast for a given dose IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Spatial resolution (high contrast) The number of line pairs per cm just visible in the image is approximately equivalent to the 2% value of the MTF This result can then be compared with the 2% MTF The resolution is quoted as the spatial frequency (in line pairs / cm) at which the modulation falls to 50%, 10% or 2% MTF. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Z-Sensitivity (Imaged slice width) Plan view of a test object used to measure imaged slice widths for axial scans, to assess the accuracy of post patient collimation, and to calculate the geometric efficiency for the scanner IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Dosimetry - CTDI in air (helical) Axial slice positions Helical scan (pitch 1) The Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) in air can be measured using a 10cm pencil ionization chamber, bisected by the scan plane at the isocentre. IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Dosimetry - CTDI in Perspex Phantoms Insert to plug holes Body phantom (or annulus to fit over haed phantom) Head phantom IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No
Module title Dosimetry - CTDI in Perspex Phantoms Central and peripheral CTDI’s are used to calculate weighted CTDI, CTDIw: CTDIws can be compared against diagnostic reference levels for standard scan examinations ) ( CTDI 3 2 + 1 C = p 100, c w n IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
CT Noise Characteristics
For low mAs values standard deviation decreases with increasing mAs For higher mAs values standard deviation stays fairly constant Transition point mAs should not increase throughout scanner life Standard Deviation mAs
CT Noise Characteristics
Excessive noise can be caused by detector sensitivity electronic noise in detector amplifier circuits reduced output per mAs
Imaging performance (Noise)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Imaging performance (Noise) Noise is generally assessed using cylindrical phantoms, which are either filled with water or made of a tissue equivalent material Once an axial image of the phantom has been acquired, noise is obtained from the standard deviation in CT number in a region of interest (ROI) placed centrally within the image 50 IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
Imaging performance (Noise)
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Imaging performance (Noise) Region of interest (ROI) 51 IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
SNR is dependent on dose, as in X-ray.
Notice how images become grainier and our ability to see small objects decreases as dose decreases. There are some similarities with X-ray. But we also see some important differences.
Actions that can influence image quality
Part No...., Module No....Lesson No Module title Actions that can influence image quality Avoid bad viewing conditions (e.g. lack of monitor brightness or contrast, poor spatial resolution, etc) Improve insufficient skill to use the workstation capabilities to visualize images (window level, inversion, magnification, etc). Reduce artifacts due to incorrect digital post-processing (creation of false lesions or pathologies) Compromise between image quality and compression level in the images IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources
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