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Stanford GSB High Tech Club Tech 101 – Session 1 Introduction to Software, Distributed Architectures, and ASPs Presented by Shawn Carolan Former Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Stanford GSB High Tech Club Tech 101 – Session 1 Introduction to Software, Distributed Architectures, and ASPs Presented by Shawn Carolan Former Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stanford GSB High Tech Club Tech 101 – Session 1 Introduction to Software, Distributed Architectures, and ASPs Presented by Shawn Carolan Former Manager of Software Architecture, Open Port Technology February 22, 2001

2 Mission To equip the MBA audience with a fundamental understanding of the software industry and its terminology in hopes that they’ll sound better in interviews, and have a better idea where to look for more information (highly recommended).

3 Topics  What is software?  How it is developed?  And distributed systems?  Application Service Providers (ASPs)  Industry trends

4 What is Software?  Set of instructions: tells the hardware what to do Operating System (OS) Hardware Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Libraries Applications Word, Excel, Quicken Win32, ODBC, OpenGL Windows, Sun Solaris, Linux Intel x86, Sun Sparc, DEC Alpha

5 How is Software Developed?  Assembly Code  Programming Languages (C, C++, Java)  Scripting Languages (Perl, Tcl, Shell)  Other programming “environments” (Application Servers, Visual Basic, etc.) Compiler Source Code Executable (Binary)

6 How is Software Developed?  Product management – Helps gather customer and market requirements, prioritize features, negotiate schedules, position product, etc.  Programmers – Research available tools/libraries/components, plan software architecture, write source code, fix bugs/improve efficiency  Quality Assurance (QA) – Tries to break the software before it is release to customers. Find bugs.  Client Support – Interfaces with customers to help them solve problems and answer questions. Often file bugs.

7 And Distributed Systems? Required for when applications scale past the capabilities of a single machine.  File Servers  Database Servers  Napster  The Internet!

8 And Distributed Systems? The “Layered” Network Model Physical Data Link Network Transport Session Presentation Application HTTP, SMTP, SNMP, etc. TCP IP Optical, Copper Wire, Wireless

9 And Distributed Systems? Ubiquitous Client/Server Application Client (Internet Browser) Server (Apache Web Server) Domain Name Server (DNS)

10 And Distributed Systems? Napster, a peer-to-peer (P2P) application Napster User 2 (Client + Server) Napster Server (Holds Song to IP mapping) Napster User 1 (Client + Server)

11 ASPs Classic client/server, but with much more complex server functionality (it runs the whole application!) Client 1 Server (session for 1, 2, 3) Client 2 Client 3

12 ASPs Drivers Include  Company gets to focus on their core competency  Easy upgrades, access to latest technology  Eliminates heavy infrastructure costs  Scalability, availability, backups  Fewer IT personnel, developers

13 Trends, Hot Fields  Outsourcing apps, infrastructure (ASPs, LoudCloud)  Outsourcing development (BaliCamp)  Proliferation of devices (IP v6)  Ad-hoc, often wireless networks (Jini)  Standard data exchange (XML)  Peer-to-peer applications

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