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Chlorine effect on seed germination By :Cameron George Teacher: Sis.Jamliah Wright Grade 7th.

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2 Chlorine effect on seed germination By :Cameron George Teacher: Sis.Jamliah Wright Grade 7th

3 Scientific Question  How does chlorine effect seed germination?

4 Hypothesis  The seed with the least chlorine will grow the most.

5 What is chlorine?  Chlorine is a halogen element that is greenish-yellow, incombustible water soluble,poisonous gas that is highly irritating to the respiratory organs. Obtained chiefly by electrolysis of sodium chlorine brine: It is used for water purification, in both of chemicals that do not contain chlorine as ethylene glycol, and of those that do.

6 What is seed germination  Seed germination is to start the sprout to develop into a plant or individual as a seed spore or bulb.

7 What makes me interested in this project?  I am interested in this project because I would like to know if seeds at a consistent pace if it receives water with chlorine in it.

8 The positive uses of chlorine  Disinfect  Purifier

9 The negative uses of chlorine  Can be used to create a poisonous mixture.  Stops plants from growing.  Changes color of colored clothing

10 The 6 parts of a plant that it uses to gain germination  Radical-A rudimentary root.  Cotyledon- The primary leaf of the embryo of seed plants  Hypocotyls - The part of a plant which forming a connection with the radical.  Plumose-the bud ascending axis of a plant while still in the embryo.  Leaf- One of the expanded,Green organ born by the stem of a plant.  Epicotyls - (In the embryo of a plant)that part of a stem above the cotyledons

11 What happens to a seed if you put to much chlorine  To much chlorine on one seed may cause the seed to have slower growth rate or to not grow at all.

12 Did you know  Chlorine is not the only killer of plants there are others like over watering, no soil or sunlight, So these are some of the many things that can kill a seed or stop it from growing

13 Introduction  Chlorine can often be found in may household products,it can usually be found on bleach.  Chlorine is used to clean pools, wash clothes, etc.

14 Body  A seed can absorb nutrients in its growth  Anything poisonous can kill a seed or stop it processing.

15 conclusion  I have learnt that chlorine has it’s good and bad effects it can kill any living thing and if can disinfect bacteria.  The seed can obtain resources to help it go through it growth process or stages.

16 Resources   

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