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Biomechanics Of Sprinting.  Horizontal Velocity throughout the race is constantly changing.  Most Important part of the race ◦ Acceleration Maximum.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomechanics Of Sprinting.  Horizontal Velocity throughout the race is constantly changing.  Most Important part of the race ◦ Acceleration Maximum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomechanics Of Sprinting

2  Horizontal Velocity throughout the race is constantly changing.  Most Important part of the race ◦ Acceleration Maximum velocity

3  Horizontal velocity of an elite sprinter ◦ Over 4 meters/sec at ground contact coming out of blocks ◦ Increases to over 7 meters per second by end of the 2 nd touch down ◦ That is over half of the sprinters maximum velocity with in the first 3 steps of the start


5  From powerful horizontal force to a more vertically directed force.  In part due to raising COG

6  For the Start the goal is maximum horizontal force and minimizing force in all other directions  Transition phase into maximum velocity  Once maximum velocity is reached the goal is to maintain maximum velocity by producing maximum amounts of vertical force


8  This means that Horizontal velocity is not the critical mechanical factor in sprint performance

9  We can understand this change in focus by looking at Newton’s laws  Force= Mass(Change in velocity)/Ground time  @Start  Horizontal force=77.5*(7.0)/.60 = 905 N or 205lbs of horizontal force *77.5kg=170.8lbs

10  @ Maximum velocity ◦ Horizontal force= 0 @ Start Vertical Force= 77.5*(1.0)/.150= 485N or 110lbs Total Vertical Force= 750N+485N= 1235N or 277lbs

11  As you transition into maximum velocity the horizontal force output decreases  This is not true of vertical force  Because of gravity, sprinting is a series of alternating ground and air phases

12  To account for this the change the vertical velocity in the upward direction must increase to about.5 m/s  This is also true in the downward direction so the total vertical velocity increase equals to 1.0 m/s

13  Vertical force= 77.5*(1.0)/.087= 890N or 199 lbs  Total Vertical Force= 759N+890N= 1,640N or 367lbs

14  As horizontal velocity increases the segments increase as well.  When segments increase it has a negative impact on the runners ability to produce vertical force  Another limiting factor is the body position

15  The body positioning of the sprinter at touchdown is actually producing horizontal braking forces  The touchdown point is actually located slightly in front of the COG  The best sprinters minimize this effect


17  Specific Performance Descriptors ◦ Block Distances ◦ COG Distance at Set Position ◦ Segment Angles at Set Position ◦ Segment Angles During Block Clearance ◦ COG Distance at Step 1 Touchdown ◦ Segment Angles during Step 1 ◦ COG Distance at Step 2 touchdown ◦ Segment Angles during Step 2

18  Horizontal Velocity Stride Rate Stride Length Ground Contact Time Air Time Time To Maximum Upper Leg Flexion

19  The most successful sprinters focus on front side mechanics  Active recovery of the back side mechanics is important  Do not just “spin the wheels”

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