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Environmental & Waste Management Group. The E&WM Group aims to support both the increasing number of safety & health professionals across all business.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental & Waste Management Group. The E&WM Group aims to support both the increasing number of safety & health professionals across all business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental & Waste Management Group

2 The E&WM Group aims to support both the increasing number of safety & health professionals across all business sectors who have taken on environmental responsibilities, and those working in the waste or other environmental sectors. With over 5000 members, we are one of the largest IOSH groups. Our committee has members from several business sectors, and also includes liaison representatives from external organisations such as IEMA, CIWM & WISH forum.

3 E&WM Group Strategy  Support IOSH’s vision........ “ a world of work which is safe, healthy and sustainable ”.  Support the increasing number of S&H professionals.........  across all industry sectors, who have taken on environmental responsibilities in addition to their S&H ones;  working in the waste & other environmental sectors, to understand and manage the H&S risks specific to those sectors.

4 E&WM Group Strategy  Key objectives include.........  delivery of an events programme to meet the needs of members;  promoting the provision of Group expertise to IOSH Branches worldwide;  providing an avenue for involvement of all members;  developing training material tailored to the risk profile of the waste and renewable energy sectors.





9 Thank you Any questions?

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