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Let’s Celebrate!. GOAL: 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day Bridgid Howland Chemist – Mohawk Labs.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Celebrate!. GOAL: 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day Bridgid Howland Chemist – Mohawk Labs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Celebrate!



4 GOAL: 9 servings of fruits and veggies a day Bridgid Howland Chemist – Mohawk Labs

5 I meet it about 70% of the time. Work days are good due to the structure; the weekends are a bit of a challenge. The days I don’t meet my goal-I’m not harsh on myself; I remind myself that tomorrow is a new chance to start. Bridgid Howland Chemist – Mohawk Labs

6 Jenny Cortes Transportation GOAL: Maintain or lose 10 pounds

7 Jenny Cortes Transportation Maintained! I realized pretty quickly that to maintain – I average anywhere from 6 to 11,000 steps per day. To loose I am going to have to average 12 – 15,000 steps. So will keep making better food choices and getting more steps in daily!!!

8 GOALS: Make workouts fun, workout at least 4-6 days a week. Plan my meals and snacks better so I can eat cleaner. Start lifting weights so hopefully one day I’ll be able to do more push up’s than my dad. Learn enough about clean eating and exercise to motivate loved ones. To stop making excuses! Loren Delgado Export Administrator - Transportation

9 Progress has gone really well. Before Live Healthy, it was really hard for me to get motivated and stay on track. With the help of the website and emails, I’ve learned to eat better on a budget and make exercise fun. Just because the challenge is over, I don’t see myself quitting any time soon! Loren Delgado Export Administrator - Transportation

10 Mindy Rodgers Production - Lab GOAL: Complete 1 st half marathon Monster Dash 5k in Fort Worth Oct 25, 2014; with Kathleen Lindig

11 Mindy Rodgers Production - Lab Participated in two 5Ks and a third one coming up this weekend. My time has been improving. Best of all - this year since I started running I have lost 15 lbs!!! I have really enjoyed becoming a member of the running community!

12 GOAL: Qualify for the Boston Marathon before age 40 Andie Smith Commission Audit Administrator - CAC

13 Dallas Half 12/14/13 in 2:37:53 Cowtown on 3/1/15 in 2:36:04, and Rock N Roll Dallas on 3/22/15 in 2:27:04 Andie Smith Commission Audit Administrator - CAC

14 Jamie Dalferes Learning and Development Mgr - Human Resources GOAL: Eliminate sugar and complete another Spartan Trifecta

15 Jamie Dalferes Learning and Development Mgr - Human Resources Slowly eliminated all processed foods, refined carbs, and sugar from my diet. 12% body weight. Increased all of my weights by at least 25lbs. Decreased my mile from 8:45 to 7:58. The first two Spartans are in May and I feel well prepared and ready for them.

16 GOALS: Keep Diabetes in control Healthy Eating Exercise Hollie Duval Credit - CAC

17 Walking and moving more. Eating better. Change is hard, but with programs like Step Challenge, it’s been a little easier to start changing my ways… Hollie Duval Credit - CAC


19 128 Teams 823 Participants 477,764,617 Total Steps 238,882 Miles

20 Average of 1866.27 miles walked per team


22 3 rd Place Roadrunners Danco 1,178,818 average steps per team member

23 2 nd Place Walking Time Bombs Indy 1,236,141 average steps per team member

24 1 st Place Breaking Bad (Habits) Indy 1,415,276 average steps per team member


26 3 rd Place – Misty Lowder Breaking Bad (Habits) 1,942,026 Steps

27 2 nd Place Dustin Carper Walking Time Bombs 2,332,002 Steps

28 1 st Place Troy Breese Walking Time Bombs 2,366,362 Steps

29 Special Recognition Award Nick and Holley Molina

30 Your next mission, should you choose to accept it…

31 Your next mission, should you choose to accept it… JUNE 14 - JULY 25 Registration opens May 25th

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