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U.S. General Services Administration May 2010 Funding the Relocation and Exchange of Federally Owned Property: GSA & USCG Partnership Real Property Utilization.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. General Services Administration May 2010 Funding the Relocation and Exchange of Federally Owned Property: GSA & USCG Partnership Real Property Utilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. General Services Administration May 2010 Funding the Relocation and Exchange of Federally Owned Property: GSA & USCG Partnership Real Property Utilization & Disposal Division 4PZ Ms. Debra Young Ms. Patricia Dixon Project Manager Realty Specialist GSA, 4PZ U. S. Coast Guard Atlanta, GA Miami, FL

2 2 If Your Federal Property Is  Antiquated and or inefficiently designed  Overcrowded  Underutilized, though with current mission need  Perhaps it is a candidate for GSA’s Real Property Relocation!

3 3 Overview of Relocation Authority  Established December 1987 by Public Law 100-202  Codified in Section 584, Title 40, of the United States Code  Allows GSA to front the costs to relocate a Federal landholding agency, or mission, to a new location and proceed to sell the vacated property  GSA recovers Relocation costs from the sale proceeds generated by the disposition of the vacated property

4 4 Unique Benefits  GSA pays for a Federal landholding agency to relocate from high maintenance, obsolete and/or underutilized facilities Improves agency operations Optimizes real estate value Reduces operational costs

5 5 Benefits of Relocation  Agency moves to modern, energy efficient “green” facilities tailored to meet mission needs  No out of pocket costs  Improved employee morale and productivity  Enhances asset management; helps right-size portfolio

6 6 Other Benefits  Allows for expedited disposal  No excess or surplus screenings  Repositioning the Federal asset benefits the community  Taxes and jobs  Returns funds to the Federal Government

7 7  Costs to acquire land and buildings/facilities  Construction of new facilities  Due Diligence  Site selection, appraisals, title, surveys, environmental, engineering, architectural, design, construction Allowable Uses of Relocation Funds

8 8  Lease payments  Fixed equipment  Moving costs  Hauling and handling, transportation  New furniture Other Uses

9 9  Agency Identifies potential Relocation candidate  Contacts GSA  GSA and landholding Agency identify project scope and considerations  Timing, logistics  Identify Issues, complexities  Gather data for analysis The Process

10 10 Outline of Steps  GSA conducts cost/benefit analysis  GSA prepares Interagency Agreement  Establishes terms, conditions, & activities of the Relocation project  Identifies roles and responsibilities

11 11 Next in the Process  GSA prepares Relocation Package  Obtains approvals: – Landholding Agency, GSA, OMB  OMB apportions Relocation funds  GSA pays to relocate agency  GSA markets & sells vacated property  Reimburses Relocation Fund

12 12  Active mission related function that can be relocated within same commuting area  Current property is considered economically excess not functionally excess  Government return on investment in Relocation costs should generally be a 2:1 ratio  Thirty year discounted cash flow analysis (A-94) must show a cost savings from the Relocation Determining Project Viability

13 13  Identifies Relocation candidates  Determines preferable option for Relocation  Submits Report of Excess for “Relocation Purposes” along with Proposal  Provides inputs for cost benefit analysis  Plans and oversees the Relocation project  Or, GSA may provide turn-key project Role of Holding Agency

14 14  Collaborates with Agency on Relocation Plan  Processes Report of Excess  Prepares cost benefit analysis  Secures project funding  Markets and sales vacated property –Executes conveyance documents Role of GSA

15 15 Checklist  Verify proposed property is a viable candidate  Conduct appraisals  Calculate all costs  Conduct the cost benefit analysis (2:1)  Establish Interagency Agreement  Prepare Relocation Package

16 16 Relocation Package  Summary Report  Project description, background, studies, reports, surveys, etc.  Dollar amount of funding requested  Authorities to be used  Appraisals  Communication Plan  A-94 Analysis (key element)  Agency’s approved Spending Plan (key element)

17 17 Agency’s Spending Plan  Must be approved by Agency’s CFO, or designee  Includes total amount of project funds required  Itemizes expenditures by line item  Includes OMB object classes and – Planned dates of obligation for each line item

18 18 GSA & OMB Approvals  GSA Public Buildings Service (PBS) Regional:  Real Property Utilization & Disposal Director  Regional Commissioner  GSA PBS Headquarters:  Deputy Assistant Commissioner Real Property Utilization & Disposal  Assistant Commissioner for Budget & Financial Management  Commissioner  Chief Financial Officer  Office of Management and Budget  Final approval

19 19  GSA delegates Relocation funds to other Federal agencies to execute on GSA’s behalf  Unique sub-accounts, (CHILD) “Allocation Accounts” of GSA’s Relocation Funds (PARENT), are created in the United States Treasury IMPORTANT) – The two funds are linked (IMPORTANT) – Provides for reporting of obligations & outlays incurred by other agencies Real Property Relocation Fund

20 20  GSA & the Landholding Agency are accountable to OMB for the entire project  Agency submits mandated reports to GSA – GSA consolidates & reports to OMB – Accuracy and timeliness are critical  OMB monitors closely Accountability and Reporting

21 21  Partnership is a key element to success  Clearly identify roles and responsibilities  Communicate and clarify procedures  Hold roundtable discussions –Include multiple staff involved  Coordination is essential Lessons Learned

22 22 GSA & U. S. Coast Guard Partnership – Current Relocation Project 39+/- acres sold to Miami-Dade County for redevelopment Metro Zoo Entertainment District Miami, FL, USCG - Richmond Housing ROI 1.6:1 Sales Price: $16.2 million; Relo Funds: $10 million

23 23 Asset Management Benefits to USCG  Divesture of underutilized, yet valuable USCG property  Mission Relocation to Florida Keys  Survey & boundary realignment of remaining properties maximized asset management Exchange Store Comm Station Antenna Field Civil Engineering

24 24 GSA & U. S. Coast Guard Partnership Current Project  The Relocation Program funded $10 million used for site acquisition, design, materials, & construction of USCG military family units and a storage/maintenance building  Coast Guard received $6.1 million net proceeds  First Negotiated Sale using Relocation Authority

25 25 Underutilized USCG Housing in Miami

26 26 Underutilized Miami Housing

27 27 Relocation Site – Grassy Key, FL

28 28 Homes Under Construction

29 29 USCG Family Housing, Grassy Key, FL

30 30 Construction in Progress

31 31 Exterior View

32 32 Interior Under Construction

33 33 Completed Single-Family Home

34 34 Kitchen

35 35 View from Backyard

36 36 Leed Certified

37 37 Neighborhood View

38 38 New “Bonus” Playground

39 39 Beautiful Flowers

40 40 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 4/9/2010

41 41 Ready for Occupancy!

42 42 Happy U. S. Coast Guard Family

43 43 Success: Mission Relocation

44 44 PBS Office of Property Disposal Locations

45 45 PBS Office of Property Disposal POCs  New England Region; Boston, MA (Region 1) (617) 565-5700  Great Lake Region; Chicago, IL (312) 353-6045  Southeast Sunbelt Region; Atlanta, GA (Region 4) (404) 331-5133  Greater Southwest Region; Ft. Worth, TX (Region 7) (817) 978-2331  Pacific Rim Region; San Francisco, CA (Region 9) (888) 472-5263  Northwest Arctic Region; Auburn, WA (253) 931-7547  National Capital Region; Washington, DC (Region 11) (202) 205-2127

46 46 Questions For additional information, contact: GSA, 4PZ, Debbie Young, 404-331-3625

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