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BASIC HARDWARE Jeopardy Grade 8 ABCDE 50 40 30 20 10.

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Presentation on theme: "BASIC HARDWARE Jeopardy Grade 8 ABCDE 50 40 30 20 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 BASIC HARDWARE Jeopardy Grade 8 ABCDE 50 40 30 20 10

2 50 Points A Which device allows communication between computers using phone wires? Go back

3 50 Points A a modem Go back

4 40 Points A How many bytes (approximately) make up a MB or a megabyte? Go back

5 40 Points A Approximately a Million Bytes – or 1,000,000 or 10 6. Go back

6 30 Points A The basic input output system is built in to what kind of memory in the computer? Go back

7 30 Points A The BIOS is found in the ROM or Read Only Memory. Go back

8 20 Points A The Motto of Canada is taken from a quotation form the bible (Psalm 72:8,). What is it? Go back

9 20 Points A From sea to sea “A Mari usque ad Mare” Go back

10 10 Points A What is the brain of the computer? Go back

11 10 Points A CPU or central processing unit. It does all the computations and decision making, hence it is the brain Go backGo back

12 50 Points B How much information (MB) does a CD usually hold? Go back

13 50 Points B 650 MB Go back Go back

14 40 Points B What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, and windshield wioers all have in common? Go back

15 40 Points B All invented by women. Go back

16 30 Points B Microphones – input or output devices?– Go back

17 30 Points B Input Go back

18 20 Points B Speakers – input or output devices? Go back– Go back

19 20 Points B Output Go back Go back

20 10 Points B Is a keyboard an input or output device? Go backGo back

21 10 Points B Input – it allows the user to put info. INTO the computer. Go back Go back

22 50 Points C What is an album when speaking about music? Go back

23 50 Points C It is a long playing record made of vinyl and had a needle as an instrument that ran along the grooves in the record to make sound. Go back

24 40 Points C What operating system is an old- fashioned, single user operating system? Go back

25 40 Points C DOS. Go back

26 30 Points C If you yelled for 8 years 7 months and 6 days, what would you have accomplished? Go back

27 30 Points C You would produce enough energy to heat up a cup of coffee. Go back

28 20 Points C What is the most famous Christmas Ballet? Go back

29 20 Points C The Nutcracker Suite. Go back

30 10 Points C When were electric lights first used? Go back

31 10 Points C 1872 - In 1872 Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin invented an incandescent light bulb. In 1874 he obtained a patent for his invention. Go back

32 50 Points D How many presents would you receive if you added up all the presents given out in The 12 days of Christmas? Go back Go back

33 50 Points D 364 Go back Go back

34 40 Points D The physical components tha make up your computer system are called ______? Go back

35 40 Points D Hardware. Go back

36 30 Points D What should you do if you or your clothes catch fire? Go back

37 30 Points D Stop / drop/ and roll Go back

38 20 Points D The programs that run on your computer are known as _____? Go back

39 20 Points D Software Go back

40 10 Points D In the movie IROBOT, what makes the robot, Sonny, special? Go back

41 10 Points D He feels emotion and empathy. Go back

42 50 Points E What kind of card do you require in order to hear sound on your computer? Go back

43 50 Points E Sound card. Go back

44 40 Points E Choose the name of a company that makes computers. (Sony, Intel, Dell) Go back

45 40 Points E Dell Go back

46 30 Points E Which one of the following is NOT a computer manufacturer. (Microsoft, Apple, IBM) Go back

47 30 Points E Microsoft – This company makes software, and is famous for its operating systems (Windows) and its Office Suite (including MS Word). Go back

48 20 Points E Computers that are linked together to share data and programs are said to be _________. Go back

49 20 Points E networked. Go back

50 10 Points E Your hard drive (C drive) is usually measured in (GB, MB, TB or bits)? Go back Go back

51 10 Points E GB or TB (gigabytes- billions or 10 9 or terrabytes –-trillions 10 12 ) Go back– Go back

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