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Teacher Readiness Training Launching the 1:1 environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Readiness Training Launching the 1:1 environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Readiness Training Launching the 1:1 environment

2 Agenda: 1.Student Laptop Contract Laptop Rules and Consequences-School Wide Expectations 2.Teacher Readiness Checklist 3.Troubleshooting Technology “Issues” 4.The Depot- Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How 5.Blocking Inappropriate Websites 6.Summer Professional Development Options- What’s Next?

3 Student Laptop Contract Two Types of Rules: Caring for a Laptop Using a Laptop Responsibly in Your Classroom Making posters of the rules

4 Teacher Readiness Checklist:  Classroom Prepared for Technology Seating Chart, Smart Board, Carts  Student Technology Contracts Collected “Student Laptop License”  Backup Copy of Laptop Assignments Available Just in case name tags peel off  Plan for Laptop Distribution and Collection Next Slide…  iSquad Identified and Trained (one team for each cart) i.Laptop Monitor ii.Cart Monitor

5 Distribution and Collection Tips: 1.Cart Monitors go to the carts. All wires should already be in the right slots. Note: For distribution make sure laptops are charged! 2.Students signal they are ready to have their laptop distributed/picked up by iSquader (eg. reading quietly) 3.Laptop monitors collect/distribute laptops while Cart Monitors plug them in carefully. 4.All students continue to work quietly until all laptops are accounted for. 5.Collection: After monitors sign off, count the laptops yourself and lock each cart. Lock carts together at the end of the day. Note: You are accountable for your keys, so do not let students use your keys without your direct supervision.

6 Troubleshooting Technology “Issues” 3 Quick Fixes in the Classroom: 1)Check Battery Life 2)Force Quit from the Application Apple+Option+Escape 3)Restart the Computer Apple+Ctrl+Power Button

7 The Depot Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How Who: Sarah Ramirez is the Depot Manager What: The place for teachers and students to swamp out laptops when experiencing technology difficulties When: Open During the School Day (if it is closed for some reason- there will be a sign on the door) Where: Rm 210A Why: To prevent “breaks” in 1:1 learning- seamless integration How: Teacher or iSquad member brings computer to Depot with a completed “in take” form. Sarah completes paperwork and issues “loaner.” Be sure to make note of the switch in your backup assignment list.

8 Blocking Inappropriate Websites Quick Note: –In addition to administering the consequence for visiting inappropriate sites, we have the ability to “block” the site at our school –When you notice a student on a inappropriate site, submit a “block” request form to Sarah Ramirez. –Sarah will review the site, get administrative signoff, and submit the request to CENTRAL.

9 Summer Professional Development Options What’s Next? Central is providing a full scale summer professional development program for iTeachiLearn educators. Teachers can take “Get Going with iTiL” Technology Integration classes on information literacy, literacy, math, science, and social studies will also be offered. Teachers can take classes on Word and PowerPoint. See memo for schedule and registration information for this excellent summer opportunity

10 1:1 Management Resources Classroom Management: Irving High School Laptop Initiative. ement.htm ement.htm The Great Maine Laptop Experiment -03.html#CT -03.html#CT Laptop Learning Challenge Getting Results with Laptops ml?articleID=49901145 ml?articleID=49901145 Apple 1 to 1 Learning Initiatives: SCHAUMBURG

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