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Ensuring Long-term Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Local vs. Global Lifecycle Management Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensuring Long-term Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Local vs. Global Lifecycle Management Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensuring Long-term Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Local vs. Global Lifecycle Management Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas TLA-2014 Conference Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas

2  Background ◦ Physical vs. Digital (ETD) ◦ Metadata and Cataloguing  Access and Preservation ◦ Format and Integration ◦ Local workflows  Lifecycle Management ◦ IMLS funded National Project ◦ Summary

3  Increasingly, higher education institutions worldwide are accepting only electronic versions of their students’ theses and dissertations. ◦ Libraries have traditionally been responsible for collecting and curating  The University of North Texas (UNT) began accepting theses and dissertations in electronic format in 1999. ◦ UNT is one of the early adopters of what was to become the ETD movement in higher education ◦ One of the first three American universities to require ETDs for graduation.



6 Symphony: no. 40, G minor, K.V. 550, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791 The characteristic symphony in the age of Haydn and Beethoven, by Richard James Will  Music has Isness in the Subjects  Sonatas  Symphonies  Concertos  Trios  Books about Music and other topics denote aboutness  Sonata (as a form)  Symphony (as a form)  Opera (as a genre)

7 Currently in MaRCSimilar to Dublin core  RDA / FRBR  Work  Expression  Manifestation  Item  Bibliographic Framework (BibFrames)  Creative Work  Instance  Authority  Annotation

8  Cataloging  Description for international audience  Unification of all metadata, PDF files, recordings  Linkage between various files, audio or text  Digital Projects  Metadata for each item,  Access to the PDF files  Access to Recordings  Local usage of audio files

9 ◦ Lifecycle Management of ETDs  IMLS National Leadership Grant  Duration 2011-2013 ◦ Project Objective  To promote best Curatorial practice  To increase the capacity of academic libraries to reliably preserve ETDs. ◦ Project Partners  8 institutions

10 ◦ Nine guidance documents 1.Guidance Documents for the Lifecycle Management of ETDs 2.Guidelines for Implementing ETD Programs – Roles & Responsibilities 3.Guide to Access Levels & Embargoes of ETDs 4.Briefing on Copyright & Fair Use Issues in ETDs 5.Guidelines for Collecting Usage Metrics & Demonstrations of Value for ETD Programs 6.Managing the Lifecycle of ETDs: Curatorial Decisions & Practices 7.Metadata for ETD Lifecycle Management 8.Guide to ETD Program Planning & Cost Estimation 9.Guide to Options for ETD Program

11  Virus Checking  Format Identification  ETD Dropbox to handle ETD Submission

12 ◦ Training and Workshop Materials  Workshops at:  ETD  USETDA  TxETDA Conferences



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