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Self-DeterminationSelf-Determination. Successful People Decide on major goals Set a timeline Develop plans to attain their goals Determine the benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-DeterminationSelf-Determination. Successful People Decide on major goals Set a timeline Develop plans to attain their goals Determine the benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-DeterminationSelf-Determination

2 Successful People Decide on major goals Set a timeline Develop plans to attain their goals Determine the benefits that reaching the goals will bring Close off discouraging influences and thought Build coalitions with others who share similar goals Encourage each other in reaching those goals

3 The Council for Exceptional Children’s Division on Career Development’s position in 1998 (Field, Martin, Miller, Ward, & Wehmeyer, 1998) Self-determination is highly important to the career development and transition process and it needs to be encouraged throughout the lifespan. It is important for all students, with and without disabilities, including those students with the most severe disabilities. Self- determination instruction can be provided within an inclusive framework and is important for educators as well as students. Family participation is important to the development of self-determination (pg. 113)

4 Successful individuals with disabilities have… A desire to succeed Well thought-out goals Persistence Adapted to their environment Built a social support network that facilitated their success

5 Self-Determination Curricula Become Your Own Expert! (Carpenter, 1995) 100 Activities for Transition (Lyle, 2000) Learning with PURPOSE: An Instructor’s Manual for Teaching Self-Determination Skills to Students Who Are At Risk for Failure (Serna & Lou-Smith, 1995) I Want My Dream, New Hat, and Profile Decks – It’s My Life: Preference-Based Planning, Facilitator’s Guide, and Goal Planner’s Workbook (Curtis, 1995) Steps to Self-Determination (Field & Hoffman, 1995) Whose Future Is It Anyway? A Student-Directed Transition Planning Process (Wehmeyer, 1995) ChoiceMaker Self-Determination Transition Curriculum

6 Assessment The ARC Approach –Designed for use by adolescents with disabilities, specifically with mild DCD and learning disabilities The AIR Approach –Parent, educator, research, and student versions –Used for students with and without disabilities University of Colorado Approach –Designed for middle and high school students with learning disabilities, developmental/cognitive disabilities, and behavior problems

7 Essential Components of a Self- Determination Curriculum… Goal setting Choice Self-evaluation Adjustment Opportunities to practice and learn the skills

8 Self-Determination… … is a feeling that leads to freedom of a person’s ideas …means that you don’t have to follow the crowd and that you can go on your own way …gives you more self-confidence …allows for more self-respect

9 10 Ways to Improve Your Self- Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills… 1)Understand and be able to describe your disability 2)Be a central part of the decision making 3)Do your own academic work 4)Find the right college/post secondary plan for you 5)Start slowly, get good grades, and graduate 6) Know your rights and responsibilities under the law 7)Meet your professors or employers and discuss your disability with them 8)Make friends—share your successes and challenges 9)Manager your time effectively 10)Minimize distractions

10 Goal Setting Steps Choose a Goal –Make sure your goal is realistic, medium risk, and measurable Make a Plan –List the steps for accomplishing the goal –Decide on the people who can help you –List resources that you might need Set a Timeline –Determine the amount of time you need and set a date Follow a Plan –Begin the steps for reaching your goal –Keep a record of your progress Evaluate Your Progress –At the end of the time period, decide whether your goal has been met, needs to be continued, or needs to be revised.

11 IEP Inventory Goals Independent Living Financial & Consumer Citizenship & Legal Community Involvement Career & Employment Social & Family-Living Health & Wellness Leisure & Recreation

12 “People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” Lewis Cass

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