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SALASAN Consulting Inc. Profile of a Canadian International Development Consulting Firm.

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Presentation on theme: "SALASAN Consulting Inc. Profile of a Canadian International Development Consulting Firm."— Presentation transcript:

1 SALASAN Consulting Inc. Profile of a Canadian International Development Consulting Firm

2 Founding of SALASAN Founded in 1982 in Manitoba; Specialized in education and human resource development; Significant work with First Nations across Canada; Gradually moved into CIDA projects, development bank consulting;

3 Evolution of SALASAN In 1989, won a large-scale training project in Zimbabwe and moved office to Harare; Established an office in Sydney, B.C. in 1992; By 1998, involved mainly in monitoring & evaluation of education projects, especially in the Caribbean; Purchased by Big Picture, a Calgary-based software company;

4 Evolution of SALASAN (2) In 2001, merged with Geospatial International Inc.; Established Geospatial/SALASAN office in 2002 in downtown Victoria Moved out of education and into more land management projects; Geospatial/SALASAN attempted to leverage CIDA Inc. to design and develop projects that were complementary to their own expertise and interests.

5 SALASAN 2005 - 2011 By 2005, SALASAN had completed over 200 projects in Canada, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East; Completed a large-scale UN survey on land mines in Cambodia in 2005; Focus on Southeast Asia with a large-scale human rights project (SEARCH); Implemented ADMAC, LMAP in Cambodia.

6 SALASAN 2011 - present ADMAC finishes in 2010; SEARCH finishes in 2011; Nepal evaluation 2011-2013; CLASP (LMAP) finishes in 2013; Purchased by Bob Francis in mid-2013;

7 Canada ODA Overview 2011 2011 high of $5.723 billion 41% in LDCs 44.7% in Africa 23.6% in Asia 21% in health; 8% in agriculture; 9.5% in education

8 CIDA Merges with DFATD Foreign aid budget frozen at $5 billion in 2013; Greater synergies between aid and trade; Aid budget diverted to trade promotion? “Core developmental assistance will remain intact”

9 Canada’s ODA 2013 - 2015 Bilateral project pipeline slows down; Cambodia program closed, China program closed; Increased focus on conflict areas – Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iraq; 2 bilateral projects approved in 2015, $12M agric cooperatives to SOCODEVI; Afghanistan government operations $10M and 5 other NGO projects; no bilateral

10 SALASAN’s Future Strengthen partnerships with B.C. agencies; Build on evaluation expertise; Explore new funding windows; Maintain 1-2 responsive projects; Follow new ODA policies, programs; Become B.C.’s premier international development firm.

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