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Israeli leader  Zionism is a Jewish movement  Persecution is the extermination of people  State of Israel was established in 1948;their holy land 

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Presentation on theme: "Israeli leader  Zionism is a Jewish movement  Persecution is the extermination of people  State of Israel was established in 1948;their holy land "— Presentation transcript:

1 Israeli leader  Zionism is a Jewish movement  Persecution is the extermination of people  State of Israel was established in 1948;their holy land  Current leader is Binyamin Netanyahu

2  Objects standing in way of peace are terrorists and radicalism  Israel's feeling towards Palestine is fear, anger, disgust  Relationship with America is they are allies and protectors  "The State of Israel Is Established." Web. 17 Mar. 2011..  | Free Online Dictionary for English Definitions. Web. 18 Mar. 2011..  "“Death to America” “Death to Israel” – the Favorite Chant of Muslims on Pilgrimage to Mecca « Bare Naked Islam." Bare Naked Islam. Web. 18 Mar. 2011..  "September 11 - Osama Bin Laden - Profiles of Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaida, and the Taliban InAfghanistan. Wanted for the 9-11-2001 Terrorist Attacks on the USA." September 11 - September 11, 2001 News Archives - The 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack on America.Archives in Images, Photos, & Newspapers from the September 11th, 2001 Attacks at the WTC & Pentagon. Web. 18 Mar. 2011..  "The Jewish Holocaust | United Human Rights Council." The United Human Rights Council | Educate Yourself & Others to Bring Change in the World. Web. 18 Mar. 2011..

3 Logan Ellingson :D

4 What is the history of Palestine? The Palestine people have been there since the beginning and see Jewish ahs foreigners, the Jews have been come in the last 100 years. Palestine think that they have “national entity.”(having a country or a recognized government for the Palestine people.) process-for-solar-project-approvals/

5 How do Palestinians feel about Israel? Who are the current Palestinian leaders? Palestines think that Israel is ISLAMIC holy land, and that the Jews shouldn’t be here. Mahmoud Abbas is the current president of the Palestinian movement. Keep in mind that Mahmoud Abbas is okay with Jewish and Palestinians people coexisting. "Palestinian Leaders." Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.. Mahmoud Abbas

6 What are the legal rights do the Palestinians have? Because of Palestine not being a legal country the don’t have the same amount of power and rights as another country or we do. "What Are the Solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?" Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 6 Nov. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2011.. srael-palestine-analysis-secret-talks-in-israel-but- confusi.html

7 What Palestinian obstacles are standing in the way of a peace settlement, and having their own country many problems are still present,like the fact that there is still the neutral holy land Jerusalem to decide over, the fact that Hammas doesn’t have a type of middle ground to help decide, and that the Jewish people believe that Israel is their land given to them by God. Mind of Wellinton. Techer.SCI

8 Religion  Muslim powers controlled the region until the 1900’s. They allowed Christians and Jews to keep their religion.  The Jews of Israel are currently locked into a conflict with their Palestinian Arab neighbors. While the media bombards us with constant reports of violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, there is no doubt that the epicenter of the conflict lies in Jerusalem and more specifically on the Temple Mount in the Old City. Yasser Arafat says that there can be no peace without Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and total Muslim sovereignty over the Temple Mount.  (  (

9 Religion  Israeli leaders, on the other hand, say that Jerusalem will remain under Israeli sovereignty, even as Barak offered significant autonomy over the Temple Mount and Palestinian Authority control over Arab sections of Jerusalem (

10 Palestine Against Israel Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. Palestinians have killed over a thousand Israelis in terror and suicide attacks. Israelis have killed over 3,500 Palestinians in defense. Major terrorist groups: Palestine: Hamas, PIJ, PLF, PFLP Israel: Lehi The Peace Process in the Israel and Palestine conflict has started the last couple of years. There’s an ‘all or nothing’ attitude about keeping peace between the two. http://msmemsy.wordpres uman-rights-today-33009/

11 Palestine Against Israel Goals of Terrorist Groups: Palestine : Outright Destruction of Israel Israel: Peace The Peace Process in the Israel and Palestine conflict has started the last couple of years. There’s an ‘all or nothing’ attitude about keeping peace between the two. Hezbollah was included in an Israel attack. Al-Qaeda against Israel Jew’s Tailban against Palestine http://www.internationaleducat "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Issues in a Nutshell." Middle East: MidEastWeb. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.. "Israel Education." World Universities, Colleges and Schools. Web. 21 Mar. 2011..

12 Peace plan Our peace plan is to split Israel as close to 50- 50 as possible while still keeping the religions sacred place on their side. All of the Jewish people that live on the Palestine side of the country will be paid to move there families to the other side of the country, and visa. We will also pay them money for them to build new houses. There will be a fence that keeps people of the other side; and anyone who crosses the fence will be attacked by rabid dogs.

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