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Methodology used by SWIFTLY Green 26th November 2015 Gernoth Götz, Prof. Markus Hecht Berlin Institute of Technology (Technische Universität Berlin) Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology used by SWIFTLY Green 26th November 2015 Gernoth Götz, Prof. Markus Hecht Berlin Institute of Technology (Technische Universität Berlin) Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology used by SWIFTLY Green 26th November 2015 Gernoth Götz, Prof. Markus Hecht Berlin Institute of Technology (Technische Universität Berlin) Contact:

2 Basis of SWIFTLY Green Recommendations from SWIFTLY Green will build upon results and good practice from conducted EU projects as well as commercial, national and regional initiatives One task: Going through programs and projects (completed, on-going and planned projects and actions) related to transport and logistics that can be relevant for SWIFTLY Green

3 Data sources SWIFTLY Green database Nationally funded projects Privately funded projects Projects with a focus on transport serve as the major source:

4 Several projects funded by EU Vehicle development Transshipment technologies … Various project results/measures Which measure has a greening potential? Which of them are effective? How to compare them? Applicability of measures on corridor level? … Lots of uncertainties… Aim: Greening of transport From Projects to Measures

5 The 4 themes of SWIFTLY Green Thematic group 1Thematic group 2Thematic group 3Thematic group 4 Infrastructure - Links and Nodes Logistics Solutions Transport Techniques Policies and Regulations Theme leader: Trafikverket Theme leader: Interporto Bologna Theme leader: Berlin Institute of Technology Theme leader: Tiroler Landesregierung

6 Objective: Identification of innovative Services and Transport Techniques Evaluation Methodology 1. Sorting and Clustering Clusters (Core fields) Last Mile Access Alternative Fuels Vehicle Improvement Alternative Transport Systems Specialised containers Port Innovation Improved utilisation rate …

7 Evaluation Methodology 2. Development of an Analysis Method Two-phase approach:  Utility analysis supported by a  STEEP analysis Evaluation Workflow: Setting up the assessment criteriaWeighting of the objective criteriaEvaluation of alternatives Determination of total utility by aggregating the part-values Selection of the best alternatives

8 Assessment Criteria Greening Effect: Potential to promote green and sustainable freight transport in Europe. Marketability: To estimate whether a measure can be implemented and ever come in question for further considerations. Corridor Scope: Assess whether a measure is bound to a certain corridor or can be readily transferred to TEN-T corridors. Utility weighting Greening Effect: 0.5 Marketability: 0.35 Corridor Scope: 0.15 Weighting of criteria of the utility analysis: (1st level)

9 Assessment Criteria  Successive consideration of all five areas  Avoids to overlook important factors or even whole topics during the evaluation  General method was transferred to asses Swiftly Green transport measures S Social T Technical E Economic E Ecological P Political Assessment Criteria of a STEEP analysis:

10 STEEP applied to Swiftly Green  Inclusion of the STEEP analysis in the utility analysis allows considering a wide range of important criteria  It outlines the factors to be considered in the analysis

11 Evaluation Results (Utility analysis) Expected results: Deeper knowledge on what is needed, what is useful and what is not useful, for greening of transport Point out measures that are not successful Useful measures: preparation as recommendation and for further tests & validation Further evaluation - Estimate effectiveness of measures in terms of greening transport: On a general level The application in the corridor Possibility for adaption to other TEN-T corridors  Visualisation of results for quick evaluation  Further analysis and comparison of measures is necessary for final evaluation

12 Evaluation Results (Comprehensive fact sheets) Summary of all evaluated measures as fact sheets Utility analysis and further evaluation criteria of the STEEP analysis Additionally: Transferability: Recommendations according to the applicability of the measure along the corridor and other corridors

13 Evaluation Results (Fact sheet example)

14 Summary  Identification of measures for the greening objectives:  Noise reduction  Energy consumption and GHG Emissions  Modal shift  Increased transport flow efficiency  Analyzation of measures in four thematic groups:  Infrastructure, Logistics Solutions, Transport Technique, Politics and Regulations  More than 100 measures (the most relevant) have been chosen (or an example of those) and evaluated  Clear presentation in fact sheets, tables and graphics  Results passed to the Toolbox

15 Thank you for your attention. Contact: Gernoth Götz ( Markus Hecht (

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