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Water and Weather Unit Week 12 Directions 1.Prepare your desk for science. 2.Use voice level 0 (no voice) to look at textbook pg. 182 – 185 and think about.

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Weather Unit Week 12 Directions 1.Prepare your desk for science. 2.Use voice level 0 (no voice) to look at textbook pg. 182 – 185 and think about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Weather Unit Week 12 Directions 1.Prepare your desk for science. 2.Use voice level 0 (no voice) to look at textbook pg. 182 – 185 and think about what we learned about Earth’s water from yesterday’s lesson.

2 Targets & Warm Up Targets: Students will identify and illustrate Earth’s saltwater and freshwater features. Warm Up: What have we learned about water on Earth? What do you know about saltwater and freshwater?

3 Video Clip: “Show Me The Water”

4 Earth’s Water

5 Types of Water Saltwater vs. Freshwater Not healthy for drinking Your body cannot use salty water Salt comes from rocks and soils on the land Rivers carry dissolved salts to the ocean and seas Most common salt in saltwater is sodium chloride Healthy for drinking Liquid freshwater Underground In lakes, rivers, streams Frozen freshwater Glaciers and ice caps Also found in the atmosphere Water vapor in the air Rain, snow, hail

6 Table of Contents DateTitlePage Water Features36 Once you are finished with the Table of Contents, go to page 36 and add the title and date to the top of the page.

7 Water Features Oceans Seas Rivers Streams Lakes Ponds Glaciers

8 Ocean A large body of saltwater that surrounds a continent.

9 Sea A large body of saltwater that is often connected to an ocean. A sea may be partly or completely surrounded by land.

10 River A large, flowing body of freshwater that usually empties into a sea or ocean.

11 Stream A body of running freshwater that flows into rivers.

12 Lake Larger areas of freshwater water surrounded by land.

13 Pond Smaller areas of freshwater surrounded by land.

14 Glacier Huge sheets of frozen freshwater (ice and snow) that cover land. They are found where temperatures are very cold – high in the mountains or near the poles of Earth.

15 Glaciers A glacier is a huge slab of ice and snow. Glaciers form when the amount of snow that melts in the summer is less than the amount of snow that falls in winter, resulting in a slow buildup of snow and ice. Glaciers "flow" downhill, eventually reaching the ocean. At the coast, the ice extends out beyond the land, floating on the water. Eventually, a chunk of ice (iceberg) will separate from the glacier. Glaciers are made from snowfall, which is freshwater.

16 Ocean or Sea? Ocean Sea

17 River or Stream? Stream River

18 Lake or Pond? Lake Pond

19 Illustration Time

20 Guessing Game What is the water feature? Is it saltwater or freshwater?

21 Reflection Questions Which of the water features are saltwater? Which of the water features are freshwater? What is the difference between a(n)… – Ocean and sea? – River and stream? – Lake and pond?

22 Targets (Revisited) Targets: Students will identify and illustrate Earth’s saltwater and freshwater features.

23 Homework SubjectHomeworkDue Date ScienceNone Have a restful Sunday!

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