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NDIA 2005 Group C Outbrief. 2 –Agreements and Why DO Goals –Enhances Marine Infantry NCO combat capability –Strengthens USMC position in Transformation.

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Presentation on theme: "NDIA 2005 Group C Outbrief. 2 –Agreements and Why DO Goals –Enhances Marine Infantry NCO combat capability –Strengthens USMC position in Transformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NDIA 2005 Group C Outbrief

2 2 –Agreements and Why DO Goals –Enhances Marine Infantry NCO combat capability –Strengthens USMC position in Transformation –Consistent with other USMC concepts Increases DoD capability and flexibility (e.g., GWOT, MOOTW) –Improves joint interoperability (e.g., better interoperability with SOCOM units) Potential to improve Infantry battalion’s mobility Central idea – but better definition required (interdependent vs. independent) Formalizes requirement for DOTMLPF – documents what USMC does Foundation for officer/NCO experience Decentralization of decision making –Disagreements and Why Logistics not addressed adequately Are manpower requirements sustainable? Assumptions and requirements not identified DO advantages not clearly stated –DO objectives confusing – Training-based? Threat-based? Capabilities-based? –DO benefits not fully articulated Appears to be developed in vacuum as a USMC-only tactic Technology insertion plan unclear –Existing C4ISR structures will not support DO concept Costs as shown do not reflect total DO ownership costs –Are we going to get our money’s worth from DO? (Need capabilities-based assessment) Review

3 3 KEY CAPABILITIES Logistic support Manpower and training Real time coordination Mobility

4 4 Logistics support 1.Actions required – Autonomic Logistics (AL) to support diagnostics and prognostics (keep readiness high) Change packaging to support platoons and squads, Expand delivery options to focus on air and aerial delivery (critical, since you’re now focusing on 14 d. vice 3 d. operations); Produce/manage power 2.Standards – 100% major end items AL-compliant per MROC mandate 3.Advantages – Improve operational readiness; DO units self- supporting 4.Disadvantages – No CSS with DO units; DO units self- supporting

5 5 Manpower and Training 1.Actions required – Manpower flow, how tng supports it; assets to sustain training throughput 2.Standards – TBD during DO experimentation 3.Advantages – Must have in order to execute and sustain DO capability 4.Disadvantages – $$$

6 6 Real-time coordination with higher, lower, adjacent and supporting units 1.Actions required – what’s right for DO? C4ISR infrastructure; Prioritization, deconfliction, Blue Force tracking, all-wx targeting precision, utilization of various ordnance (e.g., JDAM, GBU) 2.Standards – TBD during DO experimentation 3.Advantages – Decentralization of decision making authority, better SA, more flexibility 4.Disadvantages – $$$$, current C4ISR incapable of supporting

7 7 Mobility 1.Actions required – Insertion, extraction, sealift, dispersion, re-aggregration; ability to move using various transportation modes 2.Standards – Right place, right time, right unit, right equipment 3.Advantages – Speed of movement, rapid response, flexibility 4.Disadvantages – Various degrees of stealth, logistics supportability

8 8 Key Issues and other Capabilities What key issues remain to be considered? –DO Assumptions? –DO Enablers Experience – retention Quality – recruiting Competence – training Are there other key Enablers (DOTMLPF)? –Acquisition/Transition/Experimentation –Just what are the spatial & temporal advantages of DO? –Interoperability with sea base? What additional key capabilities were considered? –Command and Control

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