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Roman Developments and Culture Mr. Koch World History A Forest Lake High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Developments and Culture Mr. Koch World History A Forest Lake High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Developments and Culture Mr. Koch World History A Forest Lake High School

2 Religion Gods much the same as Greeks Different names - Zeus → Jupiter - Hera → Juno - Poseidon → Neptune

3 Literature –Virgil’s Aeneid heroic telling of Rome’s past Horace –satires of Roman society

4 Philosophy Stoics –emphasize duty / accepting one’s fate –Avoid passionate emotions –Virtue of reason & harmony w/ nature SenecaEpictetus Marcus Aurelius

5 Engineering Highly advanced –Aqueducts, roads, bridges, etc.

6 Math / Science Ptolemy Earth is center of universe Galen emphasized experimentation, medical encyclopedia

7 “Rule of Law” Innocent until proven guilty; guilt must be clear Accused may face accuser & defend self Judges interpret laws and make decisions

8 Circus Maximus Chariot races, gladiator contests

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